Sunday, December 29, 2019

The differences between manufacturing and service organisations - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2463 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? This essay will briefly describe the development of services thinking within the Operations Management paradigm. The discussion will subsequently identify differences between manufacturing and service organisations. The first part of the discussion will draw to a close with a brief mention of hybrid manufacturing/service organisations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The differences between manufacturing and service organisations" essay for you Create order The second part of the essay will outline the unique challenges involved in marketing and managing services, borrowing from the academic literature belonging to the field of service marketing. The key characteristics that derive the unique challenges in marketing and managing services will be described and suggestions that ameliorate these challenges will be brought into the discussion. The conversation will be brought to a close with a short review of the field of service marketing, reflecting upon the role of the key service characteristics. Johnston (2005) describes the evolution of services thinking through three stages encompassing a period including the 1980s and 1990s. Conventional wisdom began to embrace a distinct role for services within an Operations management paradigm in the 1980s (Johnston, 2005: 1278). Early academic efforts were restricted to the description of services juxtaposed with manufacturing in an attempt to confirm the importance of services and promote theory building (Johnston, 2005: 1280-1281). Having established the role of services within the field of Operations Management, academics focused upon theory development and empirical testing (Johnston, 2005: 1281-1285). Debate surrounding the emerging role of services within the field of Operations management will have inevitably produced contradictions. Perceptions of the differences between manufacturing and service organisations varied from no discernible differences (Lawrence, 1989) to rigid dichotomies based upon types of organisational behaviour and characteristic outputs (McDonald, 1994: 6; Troy and Schein, 1995). McDonald (1994) describes the theoretical differences between manufacturing and service organisations from internal organisational and output perspectives. The distinction between the two types of organisation based upon differences in internal organisational arrangements focuses upon the transformation process, employee skills/knowledge and the status of results (see Table (1) below). Table (1): Internal Contrasts between Manufacturing and Service Manufacturing Service Production is capital- or equipment-oriented Technical skills dominate Training will dominate Production results are variable Production is people-oriented Interpersonal skills dominate Education will dominate Service results are subject to more variation (McDonald, 1994: 6) McDonalds (1994: 6) theoretical comparison of the output of the two types of organisation further develops the notion of two separate operational systems (see Table (2) below). Table (2): Differences between products and services Product Service The customer receives a tangible product in the form of goods which can be seen and touched The customer receives an intangible service, which may or may not satisfy The goods remain with the customer Services are consumed at the moment of delivery The production and delivery of goods are usually separated Production, delivery and consumption of services are often at the same time Few producers deal with customers Most producers deal with customers The customer is rarely involved with production The customer is often closely involved with production Goods can be serviced Services have already been consumed and cannot be serviced Goods are subject to liability, but the producer has more opportunity to ameliorate the effect on the customer and this the financial penalty Services which do not meet the requirements are difficult to replace the financial impact is usually total Goods can be purchased to store in inventory to satisfy the customers needs Services cannot be stored, but must be available on customer demand Goods can be transported to the point of sale Some services are transportable (e.g. information through communication lines) but most require the transportation of the service provider The quality of goods is relatively easy for customers to evaluate The quality of services is more dependent on subjective perception and expectation Goods are often technically complex the customer therefore feels more reliant on the producer The quality of services is more dependent on subjective perception and expectation Services appear less complex the consumer therefore feels qualified to hassle the producer (McDonald, 1994: 6) The use of classification to differentiate between manufacturing and service organisations is an important academic activity, which provides a basis for theory development and empirical testing. Despite the utility of typologies, they can easily be misinterpreted by practitioners and more importantly, misrepresented by academics. A typology is not intended to represent an empirical reality, but rather an ideal reality that serves as a basis for the investigation and description of empirical reality. The danger occurs in any field of study when a theoretical ideal is misrepresented as a generalised empirical fact, which is essentially the problem of reification. Contemporary studies of manufacturing and service organisations broach the discussion of organisations that combine product and service offerings (Gebauer et al, 2008 and Martinez et al., 2010). Gebauer et al. (2008: 219-220) provide insight into how manufacturers experiencing difficult competiti ve conditions could exploit services to sell more products, achieve differentiation of their product portfolio and increase the likelihood of higher and more stable financial returns. Martinez et al. (2010: 450) claim that there is an increasing tendency for manufacturing companies to integrate product and service offerings rather than focus exclusively on products. Their argument is based upon the assertion that manufacturing systems are relatively easy for competitors to imitate and that there is increasing evidence that manufacturers are integrating their products with services to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Although the emergence of service thinking within the Operations management paradigm was based upon a dichotomous view of manufacturing and service organisations, a trichotomy that includes mixed manufacturing/service organisations more accurately reflects the spectrum of modern organisational configurations. The preceding paragraphs discussed the theo retical emergence of the service organisation. Management Discourse is dominated by theoretical polarities, which focus upon perceived differences between manufacturing and service organisations. These differences stem from the characteristics of their respective outputs. The unique challenges faced by service organisations in the marketing and management of their offering has been discussed by numerous academic studies. The extant theoretical hegemony in the academic literature propounds the view that the challenges posed by service offerings originate in their four principal characteristics (Ojanen et al, 2009; Tuzovic, 2009; Moeller, 2010; Jaaskelainen et al, 2012): Intangibility services do not exist in material form and deny the customer any physical interaction. This is a challenge for marketing, because without an object that can appeal to our senses, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦customer risk perceptions are increased and quality is more difficult to assess than for manufactured goods (Winsted and Patterson, 1998: 295). According to Awara and Anyadighibe (2014: 35), Intangibility, is the critical goods-services distinction from which all other differences emergeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ; Heterogeneity a large number of service offerings have a high degree of human input, which creates managerial challenges in the achievement of a uniform, repeatable customer experience (Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014: 35 and Winsted and Patterson, 1998: 295); Inseparability the nature of service transactions often demands the presence and interaction of the customer. Following Awara and Anyadighibe (2014: 35), it is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦simultaneous production and consumption which characterises most services. The proximity of the customer makes the production of services highly interactive, demanding high levels of service customisation and tailored marketing (Winsted and Patterson, 1998: 295); Perishability services cannot be stored, which can lead to difficulties in balancing supply with demand (Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014: 35). The four basic service characteristics outlined above are commonly referred to as IHIP characteristics in the service marketing literature and the roots of their existence go back as far as the 1970s (Parasuraman et al, 1985; Groonroos and Ravald, 2011). In response to the unique challenges represented by the IHIP characteristics, Booms and Bitner (1981) in Awara and Anyadighibe (2014: 36) recommended that the 4Ps marketing mix (Product, Place, Pricing and Promotion) be extended to include: People à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦all people directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of a serviceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014: 36); Physical evidence à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the environment in which the service is assembled and in which the seller and customer interact, combined with tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service.(Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014: 36); and Process à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦pr ocedures, mechanisms and flow of activities by which the service is deliveredà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014: 36). In addition to the service marketing mix, Awara and Anyadighibe (2014: 37) describe criteria that could be used as bases for a differentiated service offering: Offer; Delivery; Image; Service Quality. IHIP characteristics are generally treated axiomatically within the management discourse and a lack of critical reflection upon their contribution to knowledge is probably indicative of the hegemony of epistemological dogma (Hultman and Ek, 2011). Nevertheless, there are signs of interest in critically re-evaluating service marketing and management as a field of study. Moeller (2010) identifies the lack of critical treatment applied to the IHIP characteristics. However, instead of dispensing with IHIP and investigating the possibility of new characteristics, the study focuses upon the re-evaluation of IHIP through the lens of the FTU (Facilities/Transf ormation/Usage) framework (Moeller, 2010: 360-361). The FTU framework is employed to dismantle IHIP and apply it to different aspects of a service offering (Moeller, 2010: 365). The study claims to reveal the applicability of components of IHIP in their service context rather than the use of IHIP as representative of service marketing per se (Moeller, 2010: 365). However, the ability of Moeller (2010) to take a reification (IHIP), break it down into components and claim that it is more relevant in its component parts or groups of those component parts is inconsistent. The characteristics coupled with theoretical aspects of service do not escape the problem of IHIP applied as a single entity. Hultman and Ek (2011) critically evaluate the philosophical underpinnings of the field of service marketing. An important part of their discussion is the inclusion of social philosophy in an evolving discourse to describe service marketing as an essentially social process. The IHIP characteri stics are subjected to criticism and reduced to an irrelevance (Hultman and Elk, 2011: 173). The authors agree with the critics of IHIP, asserting that they à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦find these descriptors impossible to use for defining services and explaining the difference between services and goods.(Hultman and Elk, 2011: 173). They also resist the current tendency in the field of service marketing to replace one paradigmatic cage with another, their project being occupied with the broadening of the study of service marketing rather than its continued limitation. The ability of Hultman and Elk (2011) to realise the ambition of opening up the field of service marketing would depend upon the willingness and ability of incumbent researchers to embrace the project. An increase in interest shown in the field by critical management theorists would also have the affect sought by the authors. The two studies used to demonstrate critical contributions to the field of service marketing originat e from different epistemological beliefs, but they both achieve similar results. Although Moeller (2010) did not intend to undermine IHIP characteristics, it achieved this end almost as successfully as Hultman and Elks (2011) dismantling of IHIP characteristics. As the traditional view contained in the field of service marketing would suggest that the unique challenges in marketing and managing services derive from IHIP characteristics, has the invalidation of IHIP characteristics left the essay question unanswered? Conventional wisdom from service marketing would probably respond no, the question has been answered from the stock of knowledge. Whereas opponents of the conventional wisdom would probably argue that the field has never possessed the ability to effectively answer the question. This essay has outlined the differences between manufacturing and service organisations against the backdrop of service theory development in the field of Operations management. A representatio n of manufacturing and service organisations as polar opposites, typical of the conventional wisdom in Operations Management, was provided. The portrayal of manufacturing and service organisations was extended through the discussion of mixed manufacturing/service organisations, encouraging the creation of a trichotomy to more effectively depict theoretical types. The unique challenges in marketing and managing services were discussed with the support of evidence from the field of service marketing. The IHIP characteristics of services were introduced and suggestions for handling marketing and managing challenges derived from the IHIP characteristics were included. Critical contributions to the field of service marketing were summarised for the purpose of developing the discussion of IHIP characteristics and their relevance. References Awara, N. F. and Anyadighibe, J. A. (2014). An Appraisal of strategies and challenges of services marketing in a globalized business environment. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research. Vol. 2 (9): pp. 32-40. ebauer, H., Krempl, R. and Fleisch, E. (2008). Service development in traditional product manufacturing companies. European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 11 (2): pp. 219-240. [online] Accessed at: Groonroos, C. and Ravald, A. (2011). Service as business logic: implications for value creation and marketing. Journal of Service Management. Vol. 22 (1): 5-22. [online] Accessed at: Hultman, J. and Ek, R. (2011). Can there be only one? Towards a post-paradigmatic service marketing approach. International J ournal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol.3 (2): pp. 166-180. [online] Accessed at: Jaaskelainen, Laihonen, H., Lonnqvist, A, Palvalin, M. and Sillanpaa, V., Pekkola, S. and Ukko, J. (2012). A contingency approach to performance measurement in service operations. Measuring Business Excellence. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Conformity And Censorship Of Fahrenheit 451 - 828 Words

Spahr Reagan Mrs. Hacker English 9 October, 26, 2017 Conformity and Censorship in Fahrenheit 451 In a society where the government practices censorship and the people embrace conformity, Guy Montag risks everything in the pursuit of knowledge and individuality. In Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, the government imposes censorship through the outlawing of books. They enforce this law through the use of firemen, such as Montag, who are employed to destroy books and the houses in which they are found by incineration. After meeting Clarisse, a strange young woman who lives next door, whose insatiable curiosity inspires him, and witnessing the suicide of a passionate bibliophile Guy Montag decides to risk everything he has in the pursuit of†¦show more content†¦Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against. So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon† (Bradbury). In this quote, Beatty persists in his argument for ignorance but ultimately is unable to persuade Montag. This discussion with Beatty ultimately leads to Montag to seek out Faber, a retired English professor. Faber convinces Montag that true knowledge can only be achieved through the reading and understanding of books and aids Montag in his attempt to illegally glean books. During this part of the book Bradbury uses war in the quote â€Å"You could feel the war getting ready in the sky that night† (Bradbury) to symbolize Montag’s inner struggle. This is important to the theme because Bradbury conveys that even though Montag knows the censorship of books is wrong he still feels a desire to conform to the rest of society. In an attempt to flee the government Montag finds refuge with a group of outsiders who share his belief in knowledge. Together they watch as the war begins and society crumbles. â€Å"Montag watched the great dust settle and the great silence move down upon their world. And lying there it seemed he saw every single grain of dust and every blade of grass and that he heard every cry and shout and whisper going up inShow MoreRelatedEssay about Fahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship943 Words   |  4 PagesFahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship      Ã‚  Ã‚   Ray Bradbury criticizes the censorship of the early 1950s by displaying these same themes in a futuristic dystopia novel called Fahrenheit 451. In the early 1950s Ray Bradbury writes this novel as an extended version of The Fireman, a short story which first appears in Galaxy magazine. 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Similarly,Read MoreRay Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 Essay552 Words   |  3 Pages In the book Fahrenheit 451 the theme is a society/world that revolves around being basically brain washed or programmed because of the lack of people not thinking for themselves concerning the loss of knowledge, and imagination from books that dont exist to them. In such stories as the Kurt Vonneguts quot;You have insulted me letterquot; also involving censorship to better society from vulgarity and from certain aspects of life that could be seen as disruptive to day to day society which leadsRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Analysis798 Words   |  4 Pagesreal than you would think. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is no exception. Bradbury had quickly gained global recognition from his stand out dystopian hit that makes controversial social commentaries. Some of the commentaries he touches upon the topics of censorship and social conformity. 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If people do not read, their eyes are not opened to several important social issues. Reading works of fiction, such as Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, convey to a reader how social issues, such as conformity, censorship, and self-identity, affect society as a whole. Consuming non-fiction works, such as articles or documentaries, is just not the same as enveloping oneself in a literary work. Fiction undoubtedly needs

Friday, December 13, 2019

Educating Special Needs Students Free Essays

When it comes to special education, this belief really needs to be a true one because special education teachers will have to deal not only with behavioral students or students with high functioning disabilities but they will also be dealing with autistic students and students with severe intellectual disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). With the basic teaching principle â€Å"all students can learn†, teachers will enable themselves to find ways to help the students in learning social and life skills, get prepared to be independent, get a job and to enjoy quality of life regardless of their disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Individuals with disabilities can show their frustration with anger, they can feel hopelessness, helplessness and have a sensation of disgust, fear and pity. We will write a custom essay sample on Educating Special Needs Students or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many times advocates, educators and even professionals fail by countermanding individuals with disabilities by not properly identifying the intellectual disability. The American Association on Intellectual Developmental Disability (AID, 2008) explains that Intellectual disability is defined as sub-average intellectual functioning but it also should include â€Å"resultant deficits in adaptive behaviors and its occurrence during the developmental period† (Grand Canyon Leistering Course Material 2010). All three conditions must be present in order to determine that intellectual disability is present in the individual. Sub-average intellectual functioning offers to intelligence which is consider as a hypothetical construct difficult to define and is tested with a method called Intelligence Quotient or IQ which consists of several questions and problem solving that gives scores up to 100. Adaptive behavior refers as to the ability of the individual adaptation to the environment and the changes that may come with it. And the third characteristic is the occurrence of a traumatic event which happens to an individual during the developmental period which is before turning 18. IQ tests are considered a reliable source of information but according to IDEA 004, â€Å"IQ scores can’t be considered the determinant of intellectual disability. Individual personal characteristics and circumstances, cultural bias and low correlation between IQ tests remain issues; moreover a person’s IQ changes over time and data over the test provides little and inaccurate information for instruction. Consequently, other definitions focus on individualized needs for supports†. According to AID (2008) causes of intellectual disabilities which happens during the developmental period, may include maternal infections like rubella, syphilis and taxonomists also because of intoxication’s like rugs, alcohol, environmental hazards and incompetent blood type transfusions. Chromosomal abnormalities like Downs syndrome. Among others (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Protecting Workers with Developmental Disabilities PAD (n. . ) say that people with mild disabilities can learn academics and vocational skills, those with moderate to severe disabilities can learn basic safe hygiene and self care skills along with social and communication skills and those with profound developmental skills can learn self care skills as well but they may need constant supervision and care†. The majority of the persons with disabilities are capable of learning, develop and grow, an d they can become great productive an full participative citizens of the community. With appropriate education and accommodated lesson plans all students should be able to learn. One way to teach students with intellectual disabilities is by providing them with real life representing materials which are appropriate and safe for their age as well as interesting. Provide students with information with clear and easy to follow instructions which is revised in a constant basis. Celebrate accomplishments with positive dieback. Whenever possible and according to the seriousness of the disability, try to teach the student is his regular school. Teach students tasks and skills that they will use in real life in a constant basis so they can relate what they learned to the everyday life(Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Another intellectual disability is Autism. This disability was first name and recognized in a district in 1943. It is associated with a series of conditions that include According to Autism Society of America (2000) â€Å"Disturbances of developmental rates, and/or sequences, responses to encore stimuli, speech and language as well as cognitive capacities and capacities to relate people, events and objects. This signs appear before the age of three† (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). At one time, autism was included in the definition of emotional disturbance. IDEA (2004) defines autism as an inclusion of serious impairments which include, verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction. According to American Psychiatric Association (2000) â€Å"autism spectrum disorders include a spectrum of that goes from Autistic disorder, Aspirer syndrome, Retest syndrome, a event disorder, distortions, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive developmental disorder. The characteristics include, apparent sensory deficit or hyper reaction to stimuli, Severe isolation or inability to respond to love and cuddly, self stimulation, tantrums and self abusive behaviors which raise the issue of aversive stimuli, calceolaria and psychotic speech and behavior deficiencies â€Å". The possible causes of autism vary and go from one unfounded theory to an-other but according to well known authorities, causes are not known and but evidence suggests that genetics ND biological factors are key. Very’ little is still known about autism and because of this fact, educators need to be careful in how they treat autistic students. A therapy which is supposed to be appropriate for the treatment of autism is dolphin-assisted therapy. It is recommended to provide autistic students with colored lenses to cure dyslexia and also facilitated communication. Lesson planning is key for educators to have success as teachers and help students succeed as well. Intellectual disabled students need extra help and clear one-on-one instruction but they definitely can learn. How to cite Educating Special Needs Students, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anne Sexton Biography Essay Example For Students

Anne Sexton Biography Essay The third decade of the twentieth century brought on more explicit writers than ever before, but none were as expressive as Anne Sexton. Her style of writing, her works, the image that she created, and the crazy life that she led are all prime examples of this. Known as one of the most confessional poets of her time, Anne Sexton was also one of the most criticized. She was known to use images of incest, adultery, and madness to reveal the depths of her deeply troubled life, which often brought on much controversy. Despite this, Anne went on to win many awards and go down as one of the best poets of all time. Anne Sexton was born Anne Gray Harvey on November 9, 1928 in Newton, Massachusetts to Ralph Churchill and Mary Gray Staples Harvey Discovering Biographies 1. From then on, Sexton spent most of her life in the affluent, upper-middle class suburbs of Boston Discovering Biographies 2. According to many of the experiences described in her poems, she led a very unhappy childhood thats horrifying memories affected her throughout her life. To overcome her troubles, she married at age nineteen and attempted to settle into the role of housewife and mother Discovering Biographies 2. Shortly after her marriage, Anne enrolled in a modeling course at the Hart Agency and lived in San Francisco and Baltimore Academy of American Poets 1. During this time Anne was also educated at Earland Junior College from 1947- 1948 Twentieth Century American Literature 2. Through out her early twenties, Sexton began to experience bouts of depression that eventually led to hospitalization Discovering Biographies 2. In 1955, after the birth of her second daughter, Sexton attempted suicide Discovering Biographies 2. She was then placed under the care of Dr. Martin Orne, who encouraged her to write poems as a form of therapy Discovering Biographies 1. Poetry gave me a rebirth at age twenty-nine American Literature 3591, Anne quoted many times during her career. Anne deeply admired and attempted to emulate the confessional poem Hearts Needle by Shodgrass Discovering Biographies 2. Sexton decided to enroll in Robert Lowells graduate writing seminar at the Boston Center for Adult Education Discovering Biographies 2. She then went on to be a scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study from 1961- 1963 American Literature 3596. During the nineteen-sixties, Anne gave spirited public readings accompanied by the music group, Her Kind Discovering Biographies 1. Despite her literary success, Sexton continually battled depression and psychosis. She began writing extremely personal verse concerning her experiences as a mental patient Discovering Biographies 1. The chronic mental illness that controlled Annes life was the anguished center of her familys life Linda Sexton 1. Anne was extremely possessive of her daughter Linda and also confessed to having murderous impulses towards her Linda Sexton 1. I made myself numb, made my body like stone in exchange for my mothers love Annes eldest daughter exclaimed Linda Sexton 1. In 1974, Anne committed suicide using  carbon monoxide Discovering Biographies 2. Even though Anne led an extremely confusing life, she was said to have lived it as a treasury that would be remembered forever. Annes open style of writing was a very debatable issue. Some thought Sexton was one of the best known and most controversial of the confessional poets, a group composed of New England writers who rose to prominence in the nineteen-sixties Contemporary Literary Criticism 311. While others believed as her notoriety grew, Sexton became unable to separate her life and her art Litz 669. Sextons work offers the reader an intimate view of the emotional anguish that characterized her life Academy of American Poets 1. Annes early poetry was said to be hopeful and joyful while it became much darker in her latter years American Literature 3591. She was said to see poetry as a physical experience and she used imagery as the heart of poetry Anne Sexton 1. Her favorite topics were sex, illegitimacy, guilt, madness, and suicide Roth Publishing 1. Anne was often compared to Sylvia Plath but distinguishes herself from Plath in her interest in the flesh rather than in emblem of pain and mutilation Ame rican Literature 3596. Some people believed Annes style made her a bad artist while others saw it as an amazing gift. .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .postImageUrl , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:visited , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:active { border:0!important; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:active , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Kill A Mockingbird, Three Representations of Mockingbirds EssayThrough out her career, Anne wrote not only poetry but also short stories and books for children as well. Sextons first book, To Bedlam and Part Way Back, was published in nineteen-sixty, a year after her mother and father died. It was said to be very autobiographical in nature Anne Sexton 2. Annes Love Poems were published in nineteen-sixty nine Academy of American Poets 2. The book, Transformations was published two years later Academy of American Poets 2. Many other works were created in the years that followed including The Double Image which evokes rage, guilt, and love, and Live or Die which was said t o be one of her best works Anne Sexton 1. Sexton believed that complete honesty and self-revelation were an essential to creative work, so this was often the basis of her poetry. Upon the publication of Annes Selected Poems, she was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature The Complete Poems 8. She also won the Pulitzer Prize and was a finalist for the National Book Award as well Anne Sexton 1. Although many of Annes works were somewhat explicit, they were an extremely important contribution to the collection of art. In my opinion, Anne Sexton was a very talented writer. Although her work consisted of extremely personal issues, I feel it was just her own way of expressing her pain. It seems that poetry was the only way that Anne experienced some kind of freedom from her life. From what I have read, Anne had a terrible life, from her childhood to her adulthood, the struggles she went through seemed endless. Sextons early poetry, from what I have read, is very happy and hopeful. I enjoyed  reading some of her earlier pieces. The poems she had written the last couple years of her life were depressing and much different then her earlier works. I do not feel Anne is a very good influence on her readers, because by killing herself, she put off the image that when there seems to be no way out, just give up. People that are admired and placed high in society are greatly influential, and hopefully others that read her work that are going through hard times will not give up as she did, but see the whole picture, and be strong. Overall, Anne Sexton was not a bad person. She had a rough life and was very confused, and although not all of her work is very positive, Anne herself can be looked at as a lesson. Even when everything is going wrong, dont give up, because doing that is not going to make anything any better. This is what I have personally learned from Anne Sexton and I hope other readers may see this as well. Anne Sexton was known to be one of the most confessional poets of the nineteen-sixties, and also one of the most debated. She used explicit images of sex, suicide, and madness that revealed the struggles she had overcome throughout her life. Even though very controversial, her works were well appreciated and will be remembered in times to come. The expressive style Anne used and her own personal experience that she reflects on in her writing, attracts many readers and provides them with the encouragement they need to go on. No matter how graphic, qualities like this will attract many generations to come.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Brave New World Religion Essays - Spirituality, Brave New World

Brave New World: Religion English Brave New World: Religion The Basis of Religion Thesis: Man's need for answers to questions that cannot be solved through known applications of science and technology has resulted in the widespread belief in religion. I. Purpose Elimination of stress Addiction to soma 1. Rioting addicts 2. Religious fanatics II Characteristics Rituals Sacrifices Offerings B. Gods Interpreters Pope Dali Lama Mustapha Mond D. Writings III. Function Explaining unknown Philosophy Supernatural Providing aid Sanctioning conduct Morals Traditions Delegating decisions The Basis of Religion In the novel "Brave New World" civilized society lives in a world of science and technology. Major changes have occurred during the future; Utopia now revolves a religion of drugs and sex. God and the cross have been replaced by Ford and the symbol T, the founder of the age of machines. Instead of Sunday church, members now attend solidarity services where morals and tradition are not learned, but rather faith is taught in the belief of hallucinations produced by a substance known as "soma." Soma has effectively replaced the belief in a higher being by its elimination of problems and stress resulting in a lack of imagination , creativity, or "soul." Yet religion can still be found in today's society because of man's continuing need for answers to questions that cannot be solved by science or technology. Religion can be regarded as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which humans try to deal with problems and stress that cannot be solved through practical applications of science or technology. "Brave New World" deals with stress by its elimination of problems through the use of soma. As shown in the novel, the people have been addicted to soma as to the point of rioting when their supply is threatened. Their attitude can be related to religious fanatics who accomplish violent actions in the right of their religion. Present day society turns to lesser forms of expression through weekly attendance to their place of worship in hopes of a stress-free life. To overcome these limitations, society turns to the manipulation of supernatural beings and powers. Consisting of various rituals, prayers, songs, dances, offerings, and sacrifices, people try to manipulate supernatural beings to their advantage. Recipients of riches, power, and glory have often praised their Savior. These beings may be Gods and Goddesses or even ancestral spirits. In all societies there are certain individuals especially skilled at dealing with these beings and powers who assist other members of society in their ritual activities. A great amount of power can be delegated to these individuals such as the Pope or the Dali Lama. "Brave New World" has its own religious interpreter in the seven world controllers. Mustapha Mond controls the thoughts, emotions and happiness of the people under his control. By interpreting the collection of writings revealed by the higher being, high priests or priestesses can provide the answers to man's questions Religion has a number of advantages to society. Many citizens of the world often ponder many questions ranging from classroom philosophy to ghosts and goblins. Religion reduces anxiety by explaining the unknown and making it understandable, as well as provide comfort in the belief that supernatural aid is available in times of crises. Religion teaches morals and traditions, notions of right and wrong. By setting precedents for acceptable behavior, peace and harmony may be achieved. The burden of responsibility is lifted from the shoulders of mankind by transferring the weight of decision making from individuals to higher beings. In contrast to "Brave New World" present day society may seem crude and low to mighty science and technology, yet followers around the world continue practicing their faith. By believing in the Almighty during their time on earth, churchgoers hope to achieve everlasting glory and paradise in the afterlife. This can be seen in the direct relationship of the increase of religious activities in older age groups. Man refuses to believe that their time in history can be so insignificant as to be numbered in years. To escape the fear of death, man's dreams, hopes, and aspirations are held in faith and the belief of religion.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Implement a Guest Blogging Process with Jess Ostroff [PODCAST]

How to Implement a Guest Blogging Process with Jess Ostroff [PODCAST] You probably already know all of the benefits of writing guest posts on other people’s blogs, but have you considered having guests post on your blog? Some of the benefits you might enjoy include increased publishing frequency, more efficiency and consistency, higher ranking for your keywords, and a better sense of credibility and trust among your readers. Best of all, this move can help you convert more customers. Today, our guest is Jess Ostroff, the CEO of Don’t Panic Management, which she describes as a â€Å"virtual assistant agency on steroids.† She is also the managing editor at Convince Convert, which publishes a lot of content from guest writers. She is talking to us about how to become a content management mastermind when it comes to hosting guest bloggers on your website. Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Some of the topics we’ll talk about today include: What Jess does at Don’t Panic Management in her role as Director of Calm and as editor of Convince Convert. How a marketer can attract the best guest bloggers in their industry and how to prove to potential bloggers that your site is worth writing for. The writing requirements that are most helpful to be sure you get the quality you want out of your guest blog posts. The best way to manage the pitch-acceptance process. Suggested tools and strategies to make the guest-blogging process as efficient and successful as possible, from pitch to final editing and eventual promotion. The one major thing you should keep in mind if you are hoping to build a guest-blogging relationship with someone.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Abstract - Essay Example The authors note Lukas and others as the basis of their experimentation. Lukas and others studied the criticality of this problem, and came up with results that sought to be confirmed through numerous experiments conducted by the aforementioned three authors of this article. To enhance the outcome of the study, different camera sets were employed, and authors of previous related works were not contacted. The verification process set off by carrying an overview of a digital camera and the images captured using them. The imaging pipeline is analyzed, with all roles performed by the lens, filters and the sensor being presented. The outcome of this process is influenced by the camera or scanner’s manufacturer, as well as pixel values attributed to the camera. Color filtering is then introduced. Array patterns and color spaces that complement the imaging pipeline is highlighted. Sensor noise is another overview variable of the digital camera. A number of noise types are outlined, i ncluding shot noise, pattern noise and readout noise. Emphasis is given to pattern noise, which is used in the source-camera identification probe. Approaches that are correlation-based are not ignored in the underlying pursuit. Comparisons of original and denoised images are used to estimate the pattern noise frequencies, especially the frequencies that are high in that regard. Classifier training and the detection scheme are the employed approaches under the correlation-based aspect of source-camera identification. Choosing the source camera is an essential action towards assessing experimental results. Reference patterns are used, and matched with high correlation to identify the source camera. Experimental thresholds can also be used, where the source camera chosen should exhibit a higher than threshold correlation value. Figures of images, cameras and scanners are used as physical frameworks of the study. The experimental results provide a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dostoevsky crime and punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Dostoevsky crime and punishment - Essay Example The wise saying goes—howsoever powerful may be the waves of an ocean their real nature is mere water! Once the crime is committed, a series of thought-currents related to the incidents begin to tax the brains of the perpetrator of the crime. They challenge his decision. In the introduction to the book it is observed, â€Å"†¦.it is precisely from such an attempt to grapple with the moral implications of the social and cultural realities of the day that Dostoevsky produced a work whose timeliness increases rather than diminishes with the years.†(Introduction vi†¦) All murders are not calculated. Most of them are done at the time when one is seized with spontaneous anger and loses the mental equilibrium. As a consequence, the murderer has a life-time to regret. Even after undergoing the legal punishment for the heinous act committed, the trace of that action remains within the portal of the mind. For every murder, it is possible to detail the negative and positive consequences. The consequences of murdering a known criminal, the doer of many dastardly acts, can not be compared to the murder a Professor by a student, who failed him in the paper. Utilitarianism intervenes in such cases and makes an attempt to differentiate between right and wrong by measuring a decision based on its calculated worth. Having murdered the landlady, Raskolnikov tries to reason out the positive benefits that her money would do to the society. But this is just wishful thinking. Murder is a murder and the one who does not have the capacity to give life, has no right t o stifle out any life. The one who understands the concept of utilitarianism in its true spirit, would find it difficult to accept and will resent the claim of Raskolnikov that his action of murdering the old woman can be accepted as morally right. A performer of the action can not be the judge of the merits/demerits of that action. One can’t be the lawyer and the judge for the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Bio-ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bio-ethics - Essay Example Following a close analysis on the issue, I think that surgeon’s desire for fame has no effect on their work. To begin with, surgeons are human beings although they have an extra ordinary gift and therefore their desire for fame is human nature and therefore has no negative effect on their work. Their desire for fame only contributes to confidence on their work with little or no effect on the patient’s wellbeing. Secondly, Surgeons are trained persons who value their profession and therefore their desire for fame is for personal interest with little or no effect on their patient. Becoming a surgeon is not an easy affair since they have to go through intensive and extensive training before qualifying for the job. This makes them value their job and patients more than any other personal desire such as fame. Fame is not given but earned and most surgeons would agree with this fact, this implies that a surgeon who desires to have fame must strive to earn it through genuine methods (Scott 101). The only possible genuine method through which surgeons can earn the much-needed fame is by improving the care they give to their patients and this has no interference on a patient’s

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nutrition During Pregnancy | Annotated Bibliography

Nutrition During Pregnancy | Annotated Bibliography Geraldine O’Sullivan, et al (2009) did this study to investigate the effect of feeding during labour on obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Prospective randomized controlled trial was used as design in this study. Setting of this study was at Birth centre in London teaching hospital. 2426 nulliparous, non-diabetic women at term, with a singleton cephalic presenting fetus and in labour with a cervical dilatation of less than 6 cm. were participants. In this study they provide light diet or water during labour and they measure the outcome of spontaneous vaginal delivery rate. Other outcomes measured included during this duration of labour, was need for augmentation of labour, instrumental and caesarean delivery rates, incidence of vomiting, and neonatal outcome. Result was the spontaneous vaginal delivery rate was the same in both groups (44%; relative risk 0.99, 95% confidence interval 0.90 to 1.08). No clinically important differences were found during duration of labour (geomet ric mean: eating, 597 min v water, 612 min; ratio of geometric means 0.98, 95% confidence interval 0.93 to 1.03), the caesarean delivery rate (30% v 30%; relative risk 0.99, 0.87 to 1.12), or the incidence of vomiting (35% v 34%; relative risk 1.05, 0.9 to 1.2).Outcomes of neonatal were also similar Hazel M Inskip et al (2009) conducted this to examine the extent to which women planning a pregnancy completely with recommendations for nutrition and life style .Design was used for this study were prospective cohort study. Setting was at Southampton, United Kingdom. Participants are 445 non-pregnant women aged 20-34 recruited to the Southampton Women’s Survey through general practices, 238 of whom became pregnant within three months of being interviewed. Result was the 238 women who became pregnant within three months of the interview were only marginally more likely to completely with recommendations for those planning a pregnancy than those who did not become pregnant in this period. Among those who became pregnant, 2.9% were taking 400 ÃŽ ¼g or more of folic acid supplements a day and drinking four or few units of alcohol a week, compared with of those who did not become pregnant. 74% of those who became antenatal mothers were non-smokers compared with 69% of those who di d not become antenatal mother (P=0.08). Women in both groups were equally likely to consume five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day (53% in each group, P=1.0), but only 57% of those who became antenatal mothers had taken any strenuous exercise in the past three months compared with 64% in those who did not become antenatal mothers (P=0.03).Concluded the study as only a small proportion of women planning a pregnancy follow the recommendations for nutritional diet and lifestyle. Greater publicity for the recommendations is also needed, but as many pregnancies are unplanned, improved nutritional diet and lifestyles of women of childbearing age is also required. Alison M. Stuebe,(2009) e tal did this study to identify modifiable risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain (GWG). Project Viva cohort study was used as a design. In this study they assessed associations of diet and physical activity with excessive GWG among 1388 women. Three hundred seventy-nine women (27%) were overweight (body mass index ≠¥ 26 kg/m2) and 703 (51%) experienced excessive GWG, according to Institute of Medicine guidelines. In multivariable logistic regression models, they found that intake of total energy (odds ratio [OR], 1.10; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.22, per 500 kcal/d), dairy (OR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.00-1.17, per serving per day), and fried foods (OR, 3.47; 95% CI, 0.91-13.24, per serving per day) were associated with excessive GWG. In first trimester vegetarian diet (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.28-0.78) and mid pregnancy walking (OR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.83-1.01, per 30 minutes per day) and vigorous physical activity (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.60-0.97, per 30 minutes per day) were inversely associated with excessive GWG. Hannah Tait Neufeld et al. (2008) did this study to describe how aboriginal women in an urban setting perceive dietary treatment recommendations associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Design used was Semi-structured explanatory model interviews explored Aboriginal womens illness experiences with GD. Twenty-nine self-declared Aboriginal women who had received a diagnosis of GDM were participated .Result was participants associated fear, anxiety, and frustration with GDM. Emotional reactions appeared alongside negative relationships with food and other prescribed in lifestyle treatments. Results suggested that the experience of living with GDM can be overwhelming, as suggested by some of the complex factors influencing womens perceptions and reported behaviors. Discussions indicated that many felt socially isolated and had a poor self-image and sense of failure resulting from ineffective management GDM of practices. Penelope McLernon et al (2008) did this study. In this study, one of the most prevalent complications of pregnancy is asthma which is associated with an increased incidence of intrauterine growth restriction. The mechanisms that affect fetal development in pregnancies complicated by asthma were not clearly defined. Dietary fatty acids (FA) especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are particularly important during pregnancy due to their role in fetal growth and other development. The current study was designed to characterize the fatty acid profile in pregnant women with asthma to determine whether asthma severity or reduced fetal growth were associated with an altered FA profile. Maternal dietary intake and plasma fatty acid profile were examined in mother with and without asthma at 18, 30 and 36 weeks of gestation and maternal fatty acids levels were related to measures of fetal growth using Doppler ultrasound and birth outcomes. This was used as a method for data collection. R esults of this was that pregnant women with moderate and severe asthma had increased circulating plasma fatty acid levels at 36 weeks gestation but reduced dietary intake of fats compared to those women with mild asthma and healthy pregnant controls. In addition, women with moderate and severe asthma had increased circulating levels at 36 weeks gestation which was associated with reduced fetal and neonatal head circumference. Ruth M. McManus, (2007) et al did this study to compare the associated costs of actual food choices versus the cost of a constructed recommended diet. In this study costs associated with nutritious foods may be a barrier to healthy dietary choices and of particular concern to pregnancies complicated by diabetes. Survey was conducted in a tertiary care diabetes and pregnancy clinic to compare the associated costs of actual food choices versus the cost of a constructed recommended diet. Method which used this study was women with types 1, 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) completed 24-hour dietary recalls under the supervision of the research coordinator (Actual Diet). Recommended Diet for this population was constructed independent of responses of participants. Actual and Recommended Diets were standardized per 2000 kcal, priced and compared for content and cost of diet. Result was Seventy-five women participated: 27 with GDM, 29 with type 1 diabetes and 19 with type 2 diabete s. There were no significant cost differences between Recommended and Actual Diets .Food choices expressed per 2000 kcal: Recommended Diet $10.14 ±3.72; Actual Diet GDM: $11.30 ±3.88; Actual Diet of type 1 diabetes: $9.00 ±3.16; Actual Diet of type 2 diabetes: $10.24 ±3.92. Percentage of fiber intake was lower for Actual Diets than Recommended Diet for all, while percentage of protein intake was lower in Actual than Recommended Diet for women in type 1 diabetes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Immorality in The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells :: H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells both demonstrates and criticizes man's tendency to become moral or immoral with the acquirement of power. Like many books of the same era, he uses science as the instrument of retribution for the social crimes that have been committed.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through invisibility, the Invisible Man gains triumph over science and from this, great power; he can steal, kill, and abuse anybody without fear of being caught, as he describes, "It's useful in getting away, it's useful in approaching. It's particularly useful, therefore, in killing." He also acknowledges the shortcomings of his invisibility, such as making sound and being easily imprisoned once caught, vulnerable qualities which eventually lead to his downfall.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Invisible Man breaks into many people's homes, stealing money, and leading eventually to physical abuse and killing. When faced with power, such as invisibility, man becomes immoral and is willing to do anything for personal gain and enjoyment. The Invisible Man's nemesis, Kemp, brings up the immorality by saying, "But-! I say! The common conventions of humanity." The Invisible Man just reinforces his arrogance by rebutting with, "Are all very well for common people." He believes there is nothing wrong with doing anything for his own survival since he is superior. He also brings the situation one step further with his reign of terror, which he describes as, "Not wanton killing, but a judicious slaying." He now wants to have complete control over everybody through terror and wants to start "the Epoch of the Invisible Man." This shows his complete thirst for power.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The use of science to give man superpower can likewise be found in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.   Man should not create the invisible man or the invincible man since they are too powerful and this gives them the role of creator which, according to the society of the day, should only be a god's role.   He shows how science can accomplish great things and also how it can cause great harm.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The harm that the Invisible Man's exploitation of power causes does not go unpunished. Wells demonstrates the social need for a sense of justice, as the Invisible Man is eventually captured and beaten to death for the terror he both created and wanted to create.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation did manage to successfully handle the new west erne lands which were acquired by America after the war. Following the war America gag Ned new lands and the government needed a system to divide and govern these new lands. Many of the larger colonies claimed to own these western lands due to their original charters.B t, in order for the Articles of Confederation to be ratified and to pay off the debt from the war, t he states needed to give up their land to the national government, so that it could be sold in order to pay off the country's debt. The large states did give up their lands to the central govern .NET (Document E). In order to govern these new lands the government needed to make new law s. One of the laws passed was the land ordinance of 1785. This new law divided up the land in the e new western territories into sections which could be sold to individual citizens.The money received from the people who bought this land helped to pay off the debt . The land ordinance al so promoted republican ideals by providing a school for each of the new territories that we re created. Providing a school in each town allowed all people to be educated which pro meted equality. The northwest ordinance of 1 787 was passed to set up government in these n ewe territories. The Northwest Ordinance stated the requirements for any of the new territories t o become a state. In order for one of the new territories to become a state they were required to r each a given population and create their own constitution.The Northwest Ordinance man aged to abolish slavery in the new states as well. Although the Articles of Confederation were e effective when it came to creating new states, they were not very effective at anything else. The Articles of Confederation were highly ineffective when handling commerce e. Under the Articles of Confederation it was difficult for the national government to cool elect taxes from states. When the central government atte mpted to place a tax on Rhode island d, they refused to pay the tax and claimed the national government did not have the right to tax them (Document A).It was reported that the national government was only able to collect one fourth of the taxes they requested from the states. The government only received very few taxes from the states because they could not force the states to pay the taxes, and states obviously did not Want to pay taxes that were not required. Not being able to collect taxes had many negate eve consequences for the government. The government was not able to pay soldiers who fought in t he revolutionary war because they didn't receive enough tax money from the states (Document t C).The government owed money to the soldiers who fought in the revolution but the could not afford to pay them. Financial problems also affected the farmers of Massachusetts. As a response to crop prices decreasing and the amount Of farm foreclosures increasing Daniel Shah yes led Shay's re bellion. Shay's rebellion was when the Massachusetts farmers refused to p ay taxes and resisted foreclosures. After America gained independence they were no longer trade Eng as much with Britain. (Document B) prior to the war Britain had been America's most lucubrate vive trading market.After the war America's population increased but the value of their ex ports to Britain did not. Generally when the population off nation increases the value of their ex ports increases because they are able to produce more and their population gives them more military power. Under the Articles of Confederation collecting taxes and trading became much h more difficult for America. America was not respected by other nations and struggled with foreign affairs under the Articles of Confederation.After the war America gained a large amount of Ian d in the west that Britain had previously restricted from them. However the Americans were not able to access all of their new land due to occupied British fort s in the west (Document D). The Americans wrote a letter to Britain requesting that the forts be vacated but the British refused. The British refused because they didn't think the Americans were strong enough to remove them Because the Articles of Confederation did not have the power to raise an army it was imp Seibel for America to force Britain out of their land.America also wished to gain access to the M sipping river in order to trade more efficiently. Unfortunately Spain controlled the Mississippi river and did not allow the Americans to use the river at all. America requested that Spain grant t them access to he river but they refused because they did not believe America was strong en ugh to resist (Document F). Due to the weakness of the Articles of Confederation Spain did not respect America enough to give them access to the river.America was unable to effect Tivoli deal with foreign affairs because their government was not respected other countries. The Articles of Confeder ation were unable to control the common people who o W ere given too much power. After the war America struggled to keep both wealthy elites and the common people loyal to the government. John Jay believed that the wealthy c redirectors of the action world begin to lose faith in the new government (document G). A cried tort is someone who lends money to someone else in order to be bayed back in full with inter est..A debtor is someone who owes money to others. In this situation the creditors are the w lately elites who helped find the war, and the debtor is the US government, who cannot afford to pay back the creditors in full. America cannot pay back its creditors because the Articles of Confederation were unable to collect enough taxes. The wealthy creditors began to lose faith in the government because they did not believe they would ever be bayed back. Losing support f the wealthy was devastating for America because they were needed to fund the nation.One A intermediaries claime d that the Articles of Confederation should be refused or fixed rather t Han replaced. An analogy was used which said if a building has a problem people do not tear d own the whole building, they fix the building (document H). He argued that the Articles of C infiltration had very few flaws and they could be fixed easily. However this was not the case. The Articles of Confederation had many small problems which weakened its effectiveness. T here was also one assistant problem which was the over Reliance on civic virtue.The Articles of Confederation c could only be effective if the states and the people demonstrated civic virtue and paired their optional taxes. However human are naturally not virtuous, but more interest De in their own self interests. For this reason the Articles Of Confederation were ineffective at con trolling the people. The Articles of Confederation were unable to control the people because of the e over reliance on civic virtue and the creditors loss of faith in the government. The Articles of Confederation were a highly ineffective first attempt at go verging the new United States.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Mohs Hardness of Coins

The Mohs Hardness of Coins The Mohs scale of mineral hardness consists of ten different minerals, but some other common objects can also be used: these include the fingernail (hardness 2.5), a steel knife or window glass (5.5), a steel file (6.5), and a penny. The penny has always been assigned a hardness of around 3. But we have conducted tests and found this is not true. The penny has changed in composition over the years since 1909 when the first Lincoln cent was issued. Its composition was specified as 95 percent copper and 5 percent tin plus zinc, an alloy classified as bronze. Except for the wartime year of 1943, pennies were bronze from 1909 until 1962. Pennies for the following 20 years were copper and zinc, technically brass rather than bronze. And in 1982 the proportions were reversed so that pennies today are 97.5 percent zinc surrounded by a thin, thin copper shell. Our test penny was from 1927, the original bronze formula. When we tested it with a new penny, neither scratched the other, so its clear that the hardness of pennies has not changed. Our penny would not scratch calcite unless we really bore down on it, but calcite (the standard for hardness 3) scratched the penny. In the interest of science, we tested a quarter, a dime and a nickel against the penny and against calcite. The quarter and dime were slightly softer than the penny and the nickel was slightly harder, but all were scratched by calcite. We did not experiment with silver coins, however, on a wild hunch, we tested an Indian head penny from 1908 and found that it scratched all the other objects and was not scratched in turn. So with that exception, all American coins do not scratch clear calcite without a lot of effort, whereas calcite scratches them fairly easily. This gives them a hardness less than 3, that is, 2.5, while an Indian head penny has a hardness greater than 3, that is, 3.5. The Indian head penny had the same nominal composition as the Lincoln penny, with zinc and tin combined making up 5 percent, but we suspect that the older penny had a little more tin. Maybe one penny isnt a fair test. Is there any reason to carry a penny around when the fingernail also is hardness 2.5? I think there are two: One, you may have soft nails; and two, you may prefer to scratch a penny rather than your nails. But the practical geologist should carry a nickel instead because in an emergency it can feed a parking meter.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Work Stress and Its Effects on Individuals

Work Stress and Its Effects on Individuals Introduction This paper aims to discuss such phenomenon as work stress and its effects on individuals and organizations. Overall, there are numerous definitions of this disorder; I would like to adopt the explanation provided by World Health Organization; it says that work stress is a negative emotional and physical response which is caused by the fact that a person cannot meet job demands, or thinks that he/she cannot cope with his/her work duties (WHO, as cited in Drenth et al, 1998, p 397).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Stress and Its Effects on Individuals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This condition is normally accompanied by such symptoms as irritability, depression, the feeling of dissatisfaction, depression or even heart diseases (NIOSH, 2010, unpaged). In some cases, job stress can lead to aggression and violence toward others (co-workers, family members, and even completely unknown people). Manage rs of leading companies have long realized that this phenomenon is dangerous to both employees and companies, and one of their priorities is to remove the causes of work stress and or at least minimize its aftereffects. These are the most important questions that we need to analyze in this paper. The causes and effects of work stress The factors, leading to work stress In order to eliminate stressful situations in the workplace, one should first examine their underlying causes. At the moment, both scholars and managers concur that it is connected with the personal traits of an employee, and with the managerial policies, established within the company. One of the reasons why people can suffer from work stress is inadequate level of self-esteem (Resnick, 2004, p 15). For example, a person, who has a low level of self-esteem, usually regards any workplace problem as a sign of his/her inaptitude and inability to live up to the employer’s expectations. Normally, such people experi ence extreme feeling of anxiety or depression which may eventually culminate into a nervous breakdown. There is also a reverse side of this coin, and it is high level of self-esteem. As a rule, these individuals believe that the senior management is biased against them and criticizes them unjustly. For them, any managerial criticism is a personal offence. Excessive perfectionism is another character trait greatly contributes to work stress because a person, who usually sets high standards for himself, is more vulnerable to workplace stress. The thing is that such individuals usually dedicate too much time to some minor details that are not very relevant to their immediate duties, while their overall productivity remains at the same level (Corveleyn et al, 2005, p 116).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, when they do not receive credit for their perfection ism, they begin to think that they are undervalued by the managers. When speaking about individual sources of work stress, we should also mention poor relations with family members and friends, health problems, sleep deprivation and so forth. They do not directly trigger aggression, violence or the feeling of anxiety, but they intensify the impact of any stress situation. However, the cause of work stress should also be sought in the organizational and managerial policies of the organization, itself. These organizational factors are as follows: High turnover in the organization that leads to the feeling of job insecurity, which is widespread among people with low level of self-esteem; Lack of recognition and reward, in other words, the management does not notice or appreciate the efforts of the employees and their achievements; Continuous overtime that leads to fatigue and depression; Inability to participate in decision-making; 5) cognitive overload or the necessity to think about different assignments at the same time (Barling et al 2005). Therefore, this discussion indicates that the management of stressful situation in the workplace requires joint collaboration of management and employers. The effects of work stress In the introduction we have already touched upon physical and psychological impacts of work stress, such as excessive irritability, aggression towards co-workers and relatives, the feeling of discontent, insomnia, or heart diseases (NIOSH, 2010, unpaged). It should also be mentioned that such a person normally alienates oneself from his colleagues whom he regards primarily as rivals or even enemies (Barling et al, 2005). It should be borne in mind that such alienation can last for a very long time, and the actual outburst of anger or aggression very suddenly. Usually, it is provoked by some minor problem that can be quickly dealt with, for instance, malfunctioning of office computer, traffic jam, or some minor reprimand of the senior manageme nt. These irritants can a profound effect on the employee, suffering from job stress, though under normal circumstances, they would stir little or no reaction. It stands to reason that the productivity of these people declines either in terms of quantity or in quality (Barling et al, 2005). One has to bear in mind that their attitude toward workplace duties differs significantly, for instance, some employees try to follow managers’ instructions to the letter; however, they lack any initiative. The thing is that they are too reluctant to take any responsibility due to the fear of losing one’s job. Very often, the employees try to rush through the work in order to complete each of their assignments as quickly as possible and as a result, the quality of their work deteriorates. The organizations, in which stress situation occur on a regular basis, have to cope with a great variety of challenges. One of them is poor teamwork as the employees, who suffer from this stress, a re disinclined to help others or take part in brainstorming.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Stress and Its Effects on Individuals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another issue, faced by the management of such organizations is poor customer service. The thing is that individuals, suffering from work stress, can be irritated by any complaint of the customer, even a small one. As we have pointed out before, these people are either afraid of taking any responsibility due to the fear of losing one’s job, or they can be negligent to their duties because of continuous overwork. Both these attitudes are equally harmful for the functioning of customer service. It would not be an exaggeration to say that such companies cannot reach their strategic and short-term objectives. In the majority of cases, their financial and operational performance leaves much to be desired. Again, we have to stress an idea that the s olution of this problem requires much effort from both employees and management. Ways of managing stress in the workplace At this point, we need to map out strategies of managing workplace; at first we need to describe how the employees should behave in order to avoid mental, emotional and physical strain. It is of the crucial importance that they maintain positive attitude toward the management and colleagues (Stranks, 2005, p 76). They should not view them as their enemies or someone who deliberately does harm to them; otherwise they will conjure monsters out of thin air. They must understand that a good employer is interested in the retention of experienced workers. This is the reason why the employees should not be afraid of airing their opinions and complaints to the senior managers. In the majority of cases, a good executive officer is always willing to keep employees satisfied, and he/she will always pay attention to their needs. A person, who feels some sort of strain, shoul d at least talk to the manager and there is great likelihood that his concerns will be addressed. Unfortunately, many people avoid doing it in effort to look independent, self-sufficient, and strong. Getting enough sleep is also important element of preventing work stress because sleep deprivation results in irritability and attention deficit (Stranks, 2005, p 80). Overall, a person should get at least seven hours of sleep to be productive at the workplace. Apart from that, one should not underestimate the importance of keeping appropriate diet. These recommendations may appear to be truisms but a great number of people forget about them. In order to become an efficient employee, who can effectively overcome stress situations, a person should always spare a certain amount of time for his/her own needs that are entirely unrelated to the workplace duties.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The thing is that an individual, who does not do that, usually feels as though work were the only purpose of his existence, and this is certainly very depressing. Finally, one should re-evaluate one’s self-esteem and self-efficacy as sometimes people underrate their skills and competencies and think that they are performing poorly. Still, without active support of the management even the most balanced and even-tempered individual can reach the breaking point. In their turn, the managers need to develop appropriate schedule and set reasonable timelines so that the employees did not have to continuously work overtime. Secondly, they need to clearly define the duties and responsibilities of the subordinates. As it has been noted before, cognitive overload is one of the leading causes of job stress. A person, who has to think about a great number of things at a time, inevitably feels emotional and mental strain. This is one of things, which managers neglect due to some reason. Th e development of new remuneration system is also an important part of work stress management. Senior officers must remember that virtually every employee needs to feel that he/she is being valued by the company, and that his/her successes and contributions do not go unnoticed. More importantly, it is not always necessary to increase the amount of monetary compensation, paid to the worker. In many cases, non-monetary awards can also be very effective (Mathis Jackson, 2007). For instance, the managers can present well-performing employees with brand products, provide them with opportunities for career development, or simply praise them, when they do deserve the praise. Our general recommendation to the managers is to be more attentive to the needs of their behavior of their subordinates because work stress can be avoided or detected even at an early stage. Thus, it is possible for us to argue that sensitivity is one of the qualities the manager should possess in order to minimize wor k stress. Conclusion Job stress that poses so many threats to individuals and organizations originates from the inability or unwillingness of the management and employees to communicate with one another. Certainly, there are other causes of this phenomenon like the structure of the company, economic situation in the country, family, and health problems. Nonetheless, lack of communication is the major factor: people, who seldom even talk to their colleagues, managers, or subordinates, usually do not think highly of others. Finally, we should say that fear of expressing one’s opinions, concerns and emotions also leads to work stress. References Barling J. Kelloway, E, Frone M. 2005. Handbook of work stress. London: Sage. Corveleyn. J. Luyten, P. Blatt. S. 2005 The theory and treatment of depression: towards a dynamic interactionism model. London: Routledge. Drenth. P J. Thierry H. Wolff C. 1998. Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology: Personnel psychology. NY: Psycho logy Press. Mathis. R. Jackson. J. 2007. Human resource management. NY: Cengage Learning. National Institute of Occupational Safety. 2010. Work Organization and Stress-Related Disorders. Web. Resnick B. 2004. Restorative care nursing for older adults: a guide for all care settings. NJ: Springer Publishing Company. Stranks, J. 2005 Stress at work: management and prevention. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Discuss the positive and negative impact of globalisation with Essay

Discuss the positive and negative impact of globalisation with reference to two contrasting countries. (India and the United Sta - Essay Example This essay identifies the positive and negative impacts of globalisation as they pertain to India and the United States. India India is considered a developing economy that has recently experienced explosive gains in relation to skilled labour provision and development along with a boastful technological prowess (, 2011). Much of this positive growth in technological know-how seems to stems from market opportunities that provide the country with increased foreign direct investment as it has been identified as a need to sustain growth in India (, 2010). According to Yusuf, Altaf & Nabeshima (2004), foreign firms have been looking for new market potential in this developing nation and have been willing to invest considerable capital into assisting the country in further technological developments. These interested firms in areas of sales and marketing and finance have assisted in raising capital for domestic Indian firms and provided considerable lab our-related expertise in multiple industries (Yusuf, et al). Globalisation is the catalyst for these improvements as foreign firms look for developing marketplaces to distribute their products. Higher demand in global automotive consumption has also improved the infrastructure of Indian business, thus giving the country more opportunities to improve their own transportation network. Since many of these demanding consumers hail from geographically-close regions, such as China, India now has opportunities to expand their port system to improve the delivery efficiency and supply chain capabilities for automotive companies and related industries. India, in order to meet this demand and earn higher profit through the transportation system, has created a dedicated port terminal that increases the speed by which automotive products are off-loaded, thus making India an ideal location for supply chain-related distribution (, 2008). Globalisation in relation to global consumer sales has given India considerable advantages and better relationships with automotive manufacturers worldwide. Meanwhile, India has improved its educational infrastructure as well, thus providing its labour pool with more talent as it is related to technology and software development (Commander, Chanda, Kangasniemi & Winters, 2008). Much of these improvements were built on the foundation of American and European outsourcing efforts in relation to call centre development that evolved over time (Warne, 2011). As the government witnessed better increases in job opportunities, thus creating more disposable consumer income, more funds from political forces have been invested into improving educational capacity within the country. However, despite all of these improvements, India has some drawbacks in relation to the impact of globalisation. The foreign funds flooding the country from interested direct investors has made the government somewhat lax in identifying new opportunities and r emained dedicated to capital gains. What this has created is a drop in stock value for companies not related to finance and capital growth, thus weakening the financial position of certain industries (Merchant, 2006). India is not

Friday, November 1, 2019

Annotated Resource Folder Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Resource Folder - Annotated Bibliography Example who are conceptualizing racist-homophobic bullying, which according to Misawa, researchers have failed to offer the required limelight into the vice. The author highlights bullying issue in higher institutions where it is evident and based on the bases of race and sexuality. According to the article, institutions have the mandate of staging anti-bullying initiatives in their schools, which will discourage the vice from extending even in working places after schooling. Article’s arguing is valid coupled with its content, since it incorporates real examples of bullying victims, hence, shading light into the vice, which is widespread in educational institutions. The author via his study tries to erode the public’s perspective that only bullying in school is mostly among the children, but also is evident in higher institutions. Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2010). Bully for you: harassment and bullying in the workplace. British Journal Of Midwifery, 18(1), 25-31. This reference highlights the predicament of bullying and harassment, which midwives encounter while executing their daily duties. Bullying may take various forms in a workplace and encompass use of words or actions meant to humiliate the midwives. Primarily, this is by their superiors who threaten to fire them once they try to report to the relevant authorities. The authors elaborate how workplace bullying affects midwives mentally and physically, hence, rendering them unable to fulfill their obligations effectively. In addition, the article addresses how the superiors especially managers should handle their subjects. This includes effective mode of implementing policies and shunning all occasions that will seem to undermine their employees. The article highlights what midwives encounter while executing their duties plus its effects on mental and physical health. The authors have

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evolution as the Complex Mechanism of Creation Essay

Evolution as the Complex Mechanism of Creation - Essay Example Biological evolution in the essence is descent with modification. Pojeta and Springer clearly stated that evolution could not occur without genetic variation. The ultimate source of variation is manifested on the changes or mutations in the sequence of the building blocks of the genetic material carried on the chromosomes in eggs and sperm (10). This material is what is called as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This definition encompasses small-scale evolution (changes in gene frequency in a population from one generation to the next) and large-scale evolution (the descent of different species from a common ancestor over many generations). An article published on the Internet entitled â€Å"Understanding Evolution† enumerated several mechanisms in the evolution process. Among these, the mechanism of mutation basically revolved around DNA modifications. Mutation is a change in gene structure from the original parent genes. This could be brought about by several factors within the organism or of the environment. Dr. Amanda Ewart Toland, postgraduate researcher University of California San Francisco reported that other changes in the genetic structures are introduced as a result of DNA damage through environmental agents including sunlight, tobacco smoke, and radiation. â€Å"Although some changes may prove to be harmful or fatal, other changes produce variations that convey a survival advantage to the organism. It is these variations, when passed on, that give advantages to the next generation. "(Pojeta and Springer 11) If the genetic change would have favorable effect to the offspring for survival this would be retained and further refined in the future generations with subsequent mutations. Charles Darwin called this process by which favorable variations are passed from generation to generation as "Natural selection." Evolution and its impact on religion (Discuss the religious impacts of teaching evolution and whether mandatory teaching of evolution undermines religious

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience Essay Example for Free

How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience Essay The overall learning goal for us students is to grasp what the instructor teaches in class and gain extra knowledge and abilities through class discussion and interaction. To that end, it’s best to study in an optimal learning environment, so as to keep focused in class and avoid distraction from externals. We pay for the service – our learning experience, hoping to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of this kind of service. An optimal learning environment is beneficial to building a cohesive team in which members could communicate with each other, and to encouraging interactions among all the students and the professor. Through observation of major students behaviors, I find that the current physical environment in our classroom was somewhat defective. The following key points are summarized as major gaps or pitfalls in the current environment. Late Arrivals: I find that most of the students arrive in the classroom ahead of or on time. However, some may be late and walk in across the stage, thus distracting other’s attention in class. Uncomfortable Chairs: The pad on each seat can make annoying noise when we unfold it. This will distract other students’ attention, especially those who sit near the moving pads. Various Seating Preferences: students are seated randomly, most of students like to seat in the front row, and the outer of rows, leaving some seats in the middle empty, so the best capacity in the room isn’t fully utilized. Randomly seating also results in inconvenience for some group members to sit together. Inconvenient Seating Arrangement: the space between rows is narrow, so it’s not convenient for students to walk through and it’s always noisy to move the small pads connected to the seats. Moreover, it’s such a long row that it would be inconvenient and a waste of time to walk through one side to the middle or the other end. Less Efficient Equipment Blackboard and Projector: For those seating in the side areas and in the rear, the visibility of the projector isn’t so good. Similarly, when the professor writes on one side of the blackboard, those who seat in the other side have difficulty in reading the handwriting. Dim Lighting: the lighting in the classroom is a little dark that it’s easy for us to fall asleep. The arrangement of lights in the roof isn’t so rational that sometimes we can’t see the blackboards because of light reflecting. Insufficient Ventilation: The windows in the back are closed all the time and the air conditioning always creates an environment that is too cold or hot and dry. Students usually don’t feel very comfortable when there’re too many students in the classroom. Difficult Access to the Classroom: More often, only one door is open to the classroom, thus restricting students’ access to the classroom to only one way. Those who can’t find a seat near the door can only go the other side, and this would distract other’s attention. Besides, once the door is locked, the students can’t open it from outside, requiring help from those in the classroom. The above-mentioned points about the seating and facilities in the classroom would present unfavorable impacts on our learning experience. So a new layout of the classroom is required to help enhance our learning environment. Here I categorize the objectives into four points as the conceptual design principles. * To make full use of the 75 minutes in class, which means there’s no or little disruption during class. * Perfect seating arrangement to facilitate easy access and smooth movement. * Minimum discipline required relating to seating arrangement so that everyone will feel comfortable when in class. * Make facilities, such as blackboard and projector, lighting, acoustics, and walls, conducive to learning experience. (b) What specific improvement would your proposed redesign help accomplish? Generally speaking, students will learn best in a clean, comfortable, and quiet environment where there are no external disruptions and noises. So we need a positive classroom climate to allow us to meet the basic needs of physical and mental health. The following session is about the recommendations I make to help alleviate the gaps and thus enhance the learning experience. Physically Comfortable Chairs: We could improve the quality of the chairs by signing contracts with those chair-makers who could provide user-friendly chairs. That is to say, the activity space for writing and putting stuffs would be larger, and it’s best for the chairs to be soundless when we unfold the pads with them. Easy Access Seating Arrangements: I will redesign the current layout of the seats by dividing all these seats into four columns and four rows. There could be four seats per column for the middle two columns, and the other two sides columns could have five or six seats each. The distance between each row could be larger so as to allow sufficient space for individuals to learn. This kind of design could enable students to access to the seats easily without disturbing others much. The professor could also make minimum requirements that those who come early seat in the middle, thus those who are late for class could seat in the sided columns without distracting others. More importantly, since a team is usually composed of four persons, it’s also convenient for groups to sit together. Additionally, in this way, students will seat together more compactly, facilitating discussion among teachers and students. Larger Projector Screen and High-tech Handwriting: It would be best to widen the projector screen in this rectangular room. As I mentioned above, for those seat in the sides and rear, it’s hard to recognize some important contents in the slides projected on the screen (e. g. numbers, charts). Enlarging the projector screen would surely enhance the visibility of projector and hence improve our learning experience. Meanwhile, I noticed that sometimes the handwriting of the professor is hard to read. And those sitting aside couldn’t see the notes in the blackboard clearly. So I recommend that the professor use high-tech product such as the pad or IBM’s tablet-based pen, by which the professor could write on the screen of the laptop and it could then be projected in the blackboard screen. With enlarged screen, the visibility of handwriting could also be enhanced. Bright Lighting and â€Å"Audiovisual Scenario†: We need to add more electrical lights in our classroom and rearrange the light distribution. However, the lights couldn’t be too bright to harm the eyes and result in reflecting. More importantly, we need to consider the illuminance levels according to daylight, glaring and uniformity. Another thing we need to take into account is the lighting requirements for video images. So it’s best for us to have two distinctly lighting setups: a â€Å"bright† classroom with appropriate illuminance throughout the classroom, and an †audiovisual† scenario that limits light on the screen to a suitable level when we see vedios in class. Warm Color of walls: Choosing the right color for classroom walls is conducive to learning experience. The right pain color of the wall can transform a distracted environment into a focused space. White is a traditional color, but it could undermine the learning environment of the classroom. It reflects most of the lights that hits it, and could be harsh and exhaust our eyes. While taupe and cream colors of wall would be warmer, and could help students more focused. Evidence also shows that warm colors such as taupe and cream can stimulate creativity. Using different colors on the wall where there’re some facilities so as to remind the professor and students of the purpose of them. For example, the background color of the walls on which there are hangers could be light blue or purple, colors which can also help you relaxed and calmed. Optimized Ventilation: The method of distributing outdoor air in classroom has a positive impact on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of students. So it would be better if students could open the windows in the back wall when the class is finished. And students who come for the next class could close the windows before class, letting fresh air come in for 15-20 minutes. Moreover, It’s best to leave the two doors to the classroom open. On the one hand, it could expedite the flow rate of air and enhance the ventilation and exchange effectiveness. On the other hand, leaving two doors open would facilitate those late arrivals to find seats in the sides, so that they don’t need to go straightly in front of the teacher, thus diminishing distraction. External Diminished Noise and Distraction: Since the walls in the classroom are already sound proof, we don’t need to worry about the noise from outside. The major noise created by late arrivals to move through seats could be addressed through the new layout of seats and improved seat quality. Hence, students would be more focused in class. Clean Environment and Safety Facilities: Basically, a clean environment in the classroom is a must for students to gain the best learning experience. Students should be required to take with them the trashes after class, and the cleaners also need to tide the classrooms more frequently. Furthermore, It’s best to check the safety facilities in the classroom such as the fire alarm on a regular basis, say, twice a month. Because students will be relieved when they know they are learning in a safe place. In sum, the above-mentioned rearrangements are all considered to be physically, emotionally and academically favorable to the learning experience in this classroom. Once students are physically comfortable with the environment they are in, they will be emotionally focused on what they are learning and talking. Moreover, the academically improved learning equipment could maximize the learning experience the students would go through.