Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evolution as the Complex Mechanism of Creation Essay

Evolution as the Complex Mechanism of Creation - Essay Example Biological evolution in the essence is descent with modification. Pojeta and Springer clearly stated that evolution could not occur without genetic variation. The ultimate source of variation is manifested on the changes or mutations in the sequence of the building blocks of the genetic material carried on the chromosomes in eggs and sperm (10). This material is what is called as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This definition encompasses small-scale evolution (changes in gene frequency in a population from one generation to the next) and large-scale evolution (the descent of different species from a common ancestor over many generations). An article published on the Internet entitled â€Å"Understanding Evolution† enumerated several mechanisms in the evolution process. Among these, the mechanism of mutation basically revolved around DNA modifications. Mutation is a change in gene structure from the original parent genes. This could be brought about by several factors within the organism or of the environment. Dr. Amanda Ewart Toland, postgraduate researcher University of California San Francisco reported that other changes in the genetic structures are introduced as a result of DNA damage through environmental agents including sunlight, tobacco smoke, and radiation. â€Å"Although some changes may prove to be harmful or fatal, other changes produce variations that convey a survival advantage to the organism. It is these variations, when passed on, that give advantages to the next generation. "(Pojeta and Springer 11) If the genetic change would have favorable effect to the offspring for survival this would be retained and further refined in the future generations with subsequent mutations. Charles Darwin called this process by which favorable variations are passed from generation to generation as "Natural selection." Evolution and its impact on religion (Discuss the religious impacts of teaching evolution and whether mandatory teaching of evolution undermines religious

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience Essay Example for Free

How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience Essay The overall learning goal for us students is to grasp what the instructor teaches in class and gain extra knowledge and abilities through class discussion and interaction. To that end, it’s best to study in an optimal learning environment, so as to keep focused in class and avoid distraction from externals. We pay for the service – our learning experience, hoping to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of this kind of service. An optimal learning environment is beneficial to building a cohesive team in which members could communicate with each other, and to encouraging interactions among all the students and the professor. Through observation of major students behaviors, I find that the current physical environment in our classroom was somewhat defective. The following key points are summarized as major gaps or pitfalls in the current environment. Late Arrivals: I find that most of the students arrive in the classroom ahead of or on time. However, some may be late and walk in across the stage, thus distracting other’s attention in class. Uncomfortable Chairs: The pad on each seat can make annoying noise when we unfold it. This will distract other students’ attention, especially those who sit near the moving pads. Various Seating Preferences: students are seated randomly, most of students like to seat in the front row, and the outer of rows, leaving some seats in the middle empty, so the best capacity in the room isn’t fully utilized. Randomly seating also results in inconvenience for some group members to sit together. Inconvenient Seating Arrangement: the space between rows is narrow, so it’s not convenient for students to walk through and it’s always noisy to move the small pads connected to the seats. Moreover, it’s such a long row that it would be inconvenient and a waste of time to walk through one side to the middle or the other end. Less Efficient Equipment Blackboard and Projector: For those seating in the side areas and in the rear, the visibility of the projector isn’t so good. Similarly, when the professor writes on one side of the blackboard, those who seat in the other side have difficulty in reading the handwriting. Dim Lighting: the lighting in the classroom is a little dark that it’s easy for us to fall asleep. The arrangement of lights in the roof isn’t so rational that sometimes we can’t see the blackboards because of light reflecting. Insufficient Ventilation: The windows in the back are closed all the time and the air conditioning always creates an environment that is too cold or hot and dry. Students usually don’t feel very comfortable when there’re too many students in the classroom. Difficult Access to the Classroom: More often, only one door is open to the classroom, thus restricting students’ access to the classroom to only one way. Those who can’t find a seat near the door can only go the other side, and this would distract other’s attention. Besides, once the door is locked, the students can’t open it from outside, requiring help from those in the classroom. The above-mentioned points about the seating and facilities in the classroom would present unfavorable impacts on our learning experience. So a new layout of the classroom is required to help enhance our learning environment. Here I categorize the objectives into four points as the conceptual design principles. * To make full use of the 75 minutes in class, which means there’s no or little disruption during class. * Perfect seating arrangement to facilitate easy access and smooth movement. * Minimum discipline required relating to seating arrangement so that everyone will feel comfortable when in class. * Make facilities, such as blackboard and projector, lighting, acoustics, and walls, conducive to learning experience. (b) What specific improvement would your proposed redesign help accomplish? Generally speaking, students will learn best in a clean, comfortable, and quiet environment where there are no external disruptions and noises. So we need a positive classroom climate to allow us to meet the basic needs of physical and mental health. The following session is about the recommendations I make to help alleviate the gaps and thus enhance the learning experience. Physically Comfortable Chairs: We could improve the quality of the chairs by signing contracts with those chair-makers who could provide user-friendly chairs. That is to say, the activity space for writing and putting stuffs would be larger, and it’s best for the chairs to be soundless when we unfold the pads with them. Easy Access Seating Arrangements: I will redesign the current layout of the seats by dividing all these seats into four columns and four rows. There could be four seats per column for the middle two columns, and the other two sides columns could have five or six seats each. The distance between each row could be larger so as to allow sufficient space for individuals to learn. This kind of design could enable students to access to the seats easily without disturbing others much. The professor could also make minimum requirements that those who come early seat in the middle, thus those who are late for class could seat in the sided columns without distracting others. More importantly, since a team is usually composed of four persons, it’s also convenient for groups to sit together. Additionally, in this way, students will seat together more compactly, facilitating discussion among teachers and students. Larger Projector Screen and High-tech Handwriting: It would be best to widen the projector screen in this rectangular room. As I mentioned above, for those seat in the sides and rear, it’s hard to recognize some important contents in the slides projected on the screen (e. g. numbers, charts). Enlarging the projector screen would surely enhance the visibility of projector and hence improve our learning experience. Meanwhile, I noticed that sometimes the handwriting of the professor is hard to read. And those sitting aside couldn’t see the notes in the blackboard clearly. So I recommend that the professor use high-tech product such as the pad or IBM’s tablet-based pen, by which the professor could write on the screen of the laptop and it could then be projected in the blackboard screen. With enlarged screen, the visibility of handwriting could also be enhanced. Bright Lighting and â€Å"Audiovisual Scenario†: We need to add more electrical lights in our classroom and rearrange the light distribution. However, the lights couldn’t be too bright to harm the eyes and result in reflecting. More importantly, we need to consider the illuminance levels according to daylight, glaring and uniformity. Another thing we need to take into account is the lighting requirements for video images. So it’s best for us to have two distinctly lighting setups: a â€Å"bright† classroom with appropriate illuminance throughout the classroom, and an †audiovisual† scenario that limits light on the screen to a suitable level when we see vedios in class. Warm Color of walls: Choosing the right color for classroom walls is conducive to learning experience. The right pain color of the wall can transform a distracted environment into a focused space. White is a traditional color, but it could undermine the learning environment of the classroom. It reflects most of the lights that hits it, and could be harsh and exhaust our eyes. While taupe and cream colors of wall would be warmer, and could help students more focused. Evidence also shows that warm colors such as taupe and cream can stimulate creativity. Using different colors on the wall where there’re some facilities so as to remind the professor and students of the purpose of them. For example, the background color of the walls on which there are hangers could be light blue or purple, colors which can also help you relaxed and calmed. Optimized Ventilation: The method of distributing outdoor air in classroom has a positive impact on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of students. So it would be better if students could open the windows in the back wall when the class is finished. And students who come for the next class could close the windows before class, letting fresh air come in for 15-20 minutes. Moreover, It’s best to leave the two doors to the classroom open. On the one hand, it could expedite the flow rate of air and enhance the ventilation and exchange effectiveness. On the other hand, leaving two doors open would facilitate those late arrivals to find seats in the sides, so that they don’t need to go straightly in front of the teacher, thus diminishing distraction. External Diminished Noise and Distraction: Since the walls in the classroom are already sound proof, we don’t need to worry about the noise from outside. The major noise created by late arrivals to move through seats could be addressed through the new layout of seats and improved seat quality. Hence, students would be more focused in class. Clean Environment and Safety Facilities: Basically, a clean environment in the classroom is a must for students to gain the best learning experience. Students should be required to take with them the trashes after class, and the cleaners also need to tide the classrooms more frequently. Furthermore, It’s best to check the safety facilities in the classroom such as the fire alarm on a regular basis, say, twice a month. Because students will be relieved when they know they are learning in a safe place. In sum, the above-mentioned rearrangements are all considered to be physically, emotionally and academically favorable to the learning experience in this classroom. Once students are physically comfortable with the environment they are in, they will be emotionally focused on what they are learning and talking. Moreover, the academically improved learning equipment could maximize the learning experience the students would go through.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Oppostition To The New Deal :: essays research papers

Why was there opposition to the New Deal? In many ways the New Deal turned out to be a success. It clearly stopped the Depression from getting worse; gave hope and confidence to the American people at the worst tome in their history; and ‘saved’ American democracy. But why did it face so much opposition and criticism. Firstly, many people believed that the New Deal went against the basic principles of the American constitution. Many people, including the Republicans, thought that the government should not interfere with the economy or help the poor, i.e. there should be policy of laissez faire. However, Roosevelt defied this by setting up social welfare systems and by setting up the National Industry Recovery Act. Later on, however, the Supreme Court decided that several of Roosevelt’s laws were unconstitutional and they were subsequently vetoed. Moreover, after Roosevelt’s victory in the 1936 election, Roosevelt grew so confident that he felt he could replace members of the Supreme Court with people chosen by himself. However, this did no go down well with the American public and as a result many people began to oppose Roosevelt and his policies. Secondly, the New Deal meant that the rich were taxed more in order to pay for the schemes to help the poor. Many business leaders also opposed Roosevelt’s support for trade unions and employee rights. Wealthy business organisations, such as the American Liberty League, opposed Roosevelt. As they did not like the way the New Deal ‘interfered’ with business. Thirdly, more serious opposition came from radicals, such as Louisiana state senator Huey Long, who believed the government and the New Deal had not done enough to stop poverty and unemployment. Long called for taxation of the rich and the total confiscation of all fortunes over $5 million. His ‘Share our Wealth’ scheme, Long claimed, would give each American family $6,000 to spend. These ideas became very popular among the poor, with over 7.5 million people joining these schemes. There was also much opposition from the States who believed that the New Deal was undermining their authority. Oppostition To The New Deal :: essays research papers Why was there opposition to the New Deal? In many ways the New Deal turned out to be a success. It clearly stopped the Depression from getting worse; gave hope and confidence to the American people at the worst tome in their history; and ‘saved’ American democracy. But why did it face so much opposition and criticism. Firstly, many people believed that the New Deal went against the basic principles of the American constitution. Many people, including the Republicans, thought that the government should not interfere with the economy or help the poor, i.e. there should be policy of laissez faire. However, Roosevelt defied this by setting up social welfare systems and by setting up the National Industry Recovery Act. Later on, however, the Supreme Court decided that several of Roosevelt’s laws were unconstitutional and they were subsequently vetoed. Moreover, after Roosevelt’s victory in the 1936 election, Roosevelt grew so confident that he felt he could replace members of the Supreme Court with people chosen by himself. However, this did no go down well with the American public and as a result many people began to oppose Roosevelt and his policies. Secondly, the New Deal meant that the rich were taxed more in order to pay for the schemes to help the poor. Many business leaders also opposed Roosevelt’s support for trade unions and employee rights. Wealthy business organisations, such as the American Liberty League, opposed Roosevelt. As they did not like the way the New Deal ‘interfered’ with business. Thirdly, more serious opposition came from radicals, such as Louisiana state senator Huey Long, who believed the government and the New Deal had not done enough to stop poverty and unemployment. Long called for taxation of the rich and the total confiscation of all fortunes over $5 million. His ‘Share our Wealth’ scheme, Long claimed, would give each American family $6,000 to spend. These ideas became very popular among the poor, with over 7.5 million people joining these schemes. There was also much opposition from the States who believed that the New Deal was undermining their authority.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Review of the effects of Chinese Herbal medicine in NSCLC treatment By: Jay Shah December 11, 2013 Pharmacology 5600 Herbal medicine, like any alternative forms of medicine and therapy has its share of critics, but like most herbal medicine, it has been developed and practiced for millennia. The first known record of Chinese herbal medicine was found in the â€Å"Wushier Bingfang† (prescriptions for fifty-two ailments) silk manuscript from the Han Dynasty around 206 BCE (Zhang et al, 2012). It contains two hundred and fifty herbal cures to issues such as hemorrhoids, arthritis, inflammation, seizures, warts and many others (Zhang et al, 2012). Historical records of Chinese herbs include over a hundred thousand medicinal recipes to thousands of issues, mostly consisting of plant extracts (Chen et al, 1999). The understanding behind Chinese herbs is an elemental approach that looks as humans as a component of nature and hence can be cured of ailments through natural elements (Chen et al, 1999). Image 1 depicts various Chinese herbs including, ginseng, Astragalus, lilyturf and others. With the development of allopathic medicine from the western world, herbal medicine from around the world has been castigated out of the mind for the majority of the world due to its lack of proper scientific evidence. Recently however, herbal medicine, especially Chinese and Indian has seen somewhat of a resurgence on the global scale in terms of credibility thanks to new research and data from around the world. The National Institute of Health recognizes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a viable source of alternative treatment for various ailments and says that over a million people as of 2004 regu... ..., Zhang L, et al. (2011) Effect s of chemotherapy combined with Chinese herbal medicine Kangliu Zengxiao decoction on tumor markers of patient s with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a randomized, controlled trial. J Chin Integr Med 9: 525–530. 11. Li G, Shu-Ping B, Ling Z, Xiao-Hong W (2009). Astragalus polysaccharide injection integrated with vinorelbine and cisplatin for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: effects on quality of life and survival. Journal of Medical Oncology s12032-011-0068-9. 12. Liu QY, Yao YM, Zhang SW, et al. Astragalus polysaccharides regulate T cell-mediated immunity via CD11c (high) CD45RB (low) DCs in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011; 136(3):457–64. 13. Clement-Kruzel S, Hwang SA, Kruzel MC, et al. Immune modulation of macrophage pro-inflammatory response by goldenseal and Astragalus extracts. J Med Food. 2008; 11(3):493–8.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Friedman Family Assessment Essay

The Friedman Family Assessment assists the nurse in assessing a family and establishing family nursing interventions. This tool allows the community nurse to assess the family system as a whole, as part of the whole society, and as an interaction system (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). This paper will review a family that consists of a mother, stepfather, and adopted son. Identifying Data and Composition see more:welcome speech for annual function The family name, address, and phone number is not disclosed in this paper in-order to protect the family’s identity. The mother CD, who is 44, stepfather PD, who is 55 and her adopted son KD, who is 10 live in the home. The family form is a low middle-class income family of three and the son’s adopted father is still in the picture and has joint custody. CD and PD have been married only three years. They are Caucasian and speak the English language. CD is not aware of her ethnic background because she was adopted. PD has a French descent. KD has an Asian descent. CD was previously married for 22 years. CD and her x-husband adopted KD at birth. This is PD first marriage. The family religious affiliation is Baptists; they are members at a church two miles away from the home. CD is very involved in their church attending services every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. They live in a singlewide two bedrooms mobile approximately 25 years-of-age and station in a small c ommunity trailer park on the outskirts of town. The mobile home is completely paid for and solely owned by CD. CD makes a living as a unit clerk at a local nursing home and is the breadwinner of the household. She also sells jewelry on the side. PD makes a living at a manufacturer plant that makes engines for lawn mowers, approximately 20 miles from home. Their eating, dressing, and health views are typically of a low middle-class household. CD lives week-by-week on her  paycheck, and she pays for everything accepts the park rent. PD is only responsible to pay the park rent with his paycheck. The household income is not a combined income to help share the responsibility. CD states, she does not know what PD does with his money. The family eats together usually at breakfast and dinner only but in front of the television. They try to eat healthy but sometimes with their busy schedule, they eat out more than they eat in. Both CD and PD states, they do not drink or smoke and believe that they are in good health, but believes they ha ve a weight problem. CD currently weighs 250 lbs. and is 66 inches; she has a body mass index (BMI) of 30, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). PD currently weighs 230 lbs. and is 72 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 32, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). KD currently weighs 95 lbs. and 65.0 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 18.6, which is a healthy weight according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). The family states, they have a good appetite and have been trying to lose weight but find it difficult because of the day-to-day stressors they encounter. They believe they need more exercise in the lifestyle but cannot find the time to fit it into the daily lives. They do get annual check-ups and follow-up with their physician as needed. CD and PD both have a high school degree and KD is in the fifth grade at the local elementary school. CD likes to hang out with her son and is involved with her community church. PD likes to watch television and hangout with his guy friends. KD likes to play video games and occasional play basketball with the neighborhood children and play with is pet dog, a miniature long hair Dotson name Jack. Developmental Stage and History of Family The CD is in her forties, and PD is in his fifties and according to the Erikson’s developmental stage, they are both in generativist versus stagnation. Harder (2009) â€Å"so when we’re in this stage we often fear inactivity and meaninglessness† (7). The son is 10 years-of-age and according to Erikson’s development stage, he is in industry versus inferiority. During this stage, the son is capable of learning, creating, and developing new skills. In addition, he should be very social but if  feelings of inadequacy among his peers he may have problems with competence and self-esteem (Harder, 2009). CD was born in America on August 11, 1965, was adopted by the age of eight. She recently has contacted with her biological father and keeps in-touch with him. Her biological fathers’ background is unknown because he was also adopted at birth. CD does not know anything about her biological mother and prefers to keep it that way. CD states, she was abandoned along with her two younger brothers at a young age. CD’s father was could not handle the children, both financial and emotional so he gave them up for adoption. CD and her younger brother were adopted together to an English-speaking American family in Colorado. A younger couple looking to adopt a baby adopted CD baby brother at the age of one. CD states, her adopted parents were both very loving parents to them, and they had good religious upbringing. CD first marriage failed after 22 years and through this marriage, they adopted CD’s niece infant son. KD who is 10, and he was born on March 5, 2001. CD’s husband PD, was born in the East Coast of New Hampshire in 1956, and he has lived here his entire life. CD and PD lives in a trailer park and just barely makes ends meet. They both work but their income is not pulled together and shared to pay the bills. CD states, she pays for everything, whereas, PD is only responsible for park rent, but there has been time that he neglected to pay and CD had to pay the rent. CD is concerned where he spends his money, and although she loves him, he is not a partner in this relationship. Environmental Data The family’s home was factory built-in 1986. As I drive up to their home, they have a paved driveway and storage shed adjacent to the trailer. There is no garage for their two vehicles they own. As you walk up to the home, they have a small deck at the front entrances. Once inside the front door you walk into an open concept kitchen, dining room, and living area. The bedrooms are at the end of the narrow hallway and with one full size bathroom and a laundry-room adjacent to the bathroom. The home is heated by propane force-hot-air. There are smokes and carbon monoxide detectors located at both end of the home are functioning properly. Their home is very well maintained and presents a welcome home like feeling. The neighborhood is somewhat a loner community not actively with  socializing. Everyone keeps to himself or herself unless they have kids. There are 25 other well-maintained trailers and good landscaping in the park. There are five families in the park that have children at the same age as KD, and the neighborhood children frequently get together to bike or play sports. There is a play park with basketball hoop, swings, and jungle bars for the neighborhood kids, so they can play and interact. Major grocery store is just one mile from the park, and the park is approximately five miles from downtown. CD states, she does not socialize with her neighbors but thinks that they are pleasant. The family believes that the neighborhood is safe and has a low crime rate. The family spends most of their time with community service through their church. Family Structure and Functions I found during my interview with the family that communication patterns were not shared but was dominated by CD who was more out spoken than PD and KD. CD answered most of the interview questions but PD charmed in from time-to-time if he wanted to add more in-site to the questions or if the question were more pertaining to his background. KD was somewhat shy and clinks to his mother most of the time especially, when he was not feeling well. KD is well behaved and communicates with his parent with respected. KD gets along well with his stepfather; there is no evidence of any behavioral issues in the relationship. KD sees his adopted father every other weekend, and he enjoys his visit with him. Both CD and PD do not believe in spanking as a form of punishment when KD needs discipline but believes in time-out and or grounding him when its’ needed. CD states, she is the sole decision maker in the family. They do not have a joint bank account, PD’s money is his, and CDâ€⠄¢s money is hers. CD manages and pays the bills, whereas PD is only responsible for the park rent. CD states, her employer has cut her hours from 40 to 32 hours, she is finding it difficult to keep up with the bills and being the main support of the family. She states, PD has not always paid the park rent so that leaves the burden on to her. When I asked PD why CD is managing the household financials by herself, he did not want to discuss the matter. PD and CD share the responsibility in cooking the meals, cleaning the house, and taking care of the laundry. KD helps with keeping his room cleaned and takes out the  trash. PD is also responsible for mowing the grass and taking care of the yard. The family demonstrates reserved affective and socialization functions. Their affection is demonstrated by helping each other with the household responsibility and taking care of KD. CD and PD shows affection with verbalization of I love you and a kiss. KD is close with his mother and hangs out with his step dad occasion. The family as hole respects each other and can express their concerns or issues to one another. The family takes their health care functions seriously. They receive routine health care check-up and believe in healthy eating but do not always practice it routinely. The family at present seems to be healthy and well developed they like to take frequent walks around the neighborhood as a form of exercise. CD is currently being treated for depression and for neck pain. She has a past medical history of asthma, arthritis, and hysterectomy at the age of 34 years-or-age, and she wears prescription glasses to drive. PD is currently being treated for GERD and hypertension. He is not always good about taking multivitamins and the last doctor visit was a year ago. Both CD and PD do not drink or smoke. CD and PD make sure that KD has regular health check-ups, along with keeping up his immunization shuts. Recently KD has developed constipation and stomach pain, he has been through testing, and his physician is not able to find anything medically wrong. KD’s physician believes it could be related to the new stressors in his life regarding his adopted father and his new girlfriend. Family Stress and Coping As talking to both CD and PD, they both demonstrate dealing with stressors in the household and at work. CD and PD are worried about KD and what is causing his feeling sick both emotional and physical at times. The family has seek both medical and psychological advice and getting KD the help, he needs dealing with his adopted father and his new girlfriend. CD is also dealing with several stressors at the present both at home and work. Her work-related stressor is that her hours have been cut back, and she does not know how she going to get all her work done in a short period. She believes her home-related stressor is she will not be able to financial support her family because of her decrease income and her x-husband has been laid-off so most likely will not get child support for a while. PD stressor at home is not providing more of the financial support that he should. They believe  most of the time they handle stressors well, by talking things through, but they admit there is some things they do not feel comfortable bring things up in-order to deal with them. Family Nursing Diagnosis As I looked at the information that I had gathered through Friedman Family Assessment, I found several opportunities that I could focus on for a priority nursing diagnosis. However, I felt that the one that I could contribute more energy to is improving the family nutritional intake and improve in the family activities to promote good health. The priority nursing diagnosis is imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements related to food intake that exceeds body needs, psychosocial factors, and socioeconomic status. The evidence is noted by the lack of exercise, family activities, excessive intake in relation to metabolic need and BMI indicates obesity for both parents and eating out more often than cooking meals at home. The second nursing diagnosis is interrupted family processes: changes in mutual support related to modification in family finances. The evidence is noted by CD work hours decrease so she will be bring home less pay, PD not contributing to the household income, and x-husband lose job and no longer will be able to provide child support. The third diagnosis is impaired parenting: frequent illness related to KD coping with the stressor the potential of him feeling he is losing his adopted father who is in another relationship. The evidence is noted by KD complaining of stomach pain, nausea, and constipation. Community Health Nursing Interventions The interventions that the nurse will start with for this priority nursing diagnosis is ascertain previous dieting history. This will help the nurse and family determine, which diets and strategies used, results, and individuals frustrations, and factors interfering with his and her success. Another intervention is to implement and review a daily food diary. Both CD and PD are to keep a daily diet dairy for the next two weeks to help determine what time they eat, what they eat, how much the eat, where they eat and why they are eating or reflect on their feelings at the time. This will help the nurse understand CD and PD eating patterns with the when, what, how, and the why approach. The last nursing intervention is for the nurse to determine the CD and PD motivation for weight loss, by assessing  why both want to lose weight. Weight loss is depended on what type of motivates CD and PD. Is the motivation related to health concerns, own satisfaction, and gain approval from others or from each other. The community nurse will be able to help families like this one by using assessment tools such as Friedman Family Assessment model. The tool is important to assess the family in-order to provide valuable information about the family to help complete the nursing process. The information collect will help the community nurse to focus on the family needs. In addition, to help the family develops objectives, goals, and intervention on how to achieve and maintain the goals along with making sure that the family has a positive outcome. References Harder, A.F. (2009). Erik erikson stages of development. Retrieved from Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community, (7th ed.). Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook collection database. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Calculate your body mass index. Retrived from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ECE Lab Report essays

ECE Lab Report essays In this experiment, we constructed a circuit that was connected to a 7-panel writing board. The 6 inputs from the circuit were hooked up to the corresponding pins on the XS40 FPGA board. Then 6 outputs from the corresponding pins on the XS40 FPGA board were then connected to a ribbon cable that was connected to a computer. When the circuit was complete, we wrote a program in C++ to interface the hardware with the PC using its parallel-I/O port. The program was then improved to implement a calculator interface and performed mathematical operations. There were 15 different combinations on writing panel, which corresponded to 10 different digits, 4 different operands, and an equal sign. Writing panel: it is consisted of 7 metallic panels. Each panel is soldered to a wire, which is connected to the D-latch. The writing panel is used for the user to input the combination of the corresponding number, operand, and equal sign. 7474 D-latch: four chips were used during this lab because we need 7 inputs (Preset). Each panel from the writing board is connected to the PRE on the D-latch to set the state, 1 being used and 0 being unused. Three of four D-latches CLRs were all connected to together in order to clear the writing panel when it is grounded; moreover, all CPs and Ds were grounded. XS40 FPGA board: it used to run VHDL program I/O Port: Port A is connected to the 6 outputs from the XS40 FPGA board, D-latch from the 4th D-latch chip, and the last used PIN being grounded. Port B is connected to the common RESET. I/O port is then attached by a ribbon cable from the computer. This configuration is simply to send inputs to the computer, where a calculator program is implemented. Once a digit, an operand, or an equal sign has been entered, it is sent to the computer and then the computer will automatically clear the writing panel through Port B to RESET. Circuit Diagram and Block Diagram ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Standard Molar Entropy

Standard Molar Entropy Youll encounter standard molar entropy in general chemistry, physical chemistry, and thermodynamics courses, so its important to understand what entropy is and what it means. Here are the basics regarding standard molar entropy and how to use it to make predictions about a chemical reaction. What Is Standard Molar Entropy? Entropy is a measure of the randomness, chaos, or freedom of movement of particles. The capital letter S is used to denote entropy. However, you wont see calculations for simple entropy because the concept is fairly useless until you put it in a form that can be used to make comparisons to calculate a change of entropy or ΔS. Entropy values are given as standard molar entropy, which is the entropy of one mole of a substance at standard state conditions. Standard molar entropy is denoted by the symbol S ° and usually has the units  joules per mole Kelvin (J/mol ·K). Positive and Negative Entropy The Second Law of Thermodynamics states the entropy of isolated system increases, so you might think entropy would always increase and that change in entropy over time would always be a positive value. As it turns out, sometimes entropy of a system decreases. Is this a violation of the Second Law? No, because the law refers to an isolated system. When you calculate an entropy change in a lab setting, you decide on a system, but the environment outside your system is ready to compensate for any changes in entropy you might see. While the universe as a whole (if you consider it a type of isolated system), might experience an overall increase in entropy over time, small pockets of the system can and do experience negative entropy. For example, you can clean your desk, moving from disorder to order. Chemical reactions, too, can move from randomness to order. In general: Sgas   Ssoln   Sliq   Ssolid So a change in state of matter can result in either a positive or negative entropy change. Predicting Entropy In chemistry and physics, youll often be asked to predict whether an action or reaction will result in a positive or negative change in entropy. The change in entropy is the difference between final entropy and initial entropy: ΔS Sf - Si You can expect a positive ΔS  or increase in entropy when: solid reactants form a liquid or gaseous productsliquid reactants form gasesmany smaller particles coalesce into larger particles (typically indicated by fewer product moles than reactant moles) A negative ΔS  or decrease in entropy often occurs when: gaseous or liquid reactants form solid productsgaseous reactants form liquid productslarge molecules dissociate into smaller onesthere are more moles of gas in the products than there are in the reactants Applying Information About Entropy Using the guidelines, sometimes its easy to predict whether the change in entropy for a chemical reaction will be positive or negative. For example, when table salt (sodium chloride) forms from its ions: Na(aq) Cl-(aq) → NaCl(s) The entropy of the solid salt is lower than the entropy of the aqueous ions, so the reaction results in a negative  ÃŽâ€S. Sometimes you can predict whether the change in entropy will be positive or negative by inspection of the chemical equation. For example, in the reaction between carbon monoxide and water to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen: CO(g) H2O(g) → CO2(g) H2(g) The number of reactant moles is the same as the number of product moles, all of the chemical species are gases, and the molecules appear to be of comparable complexity. In this case, youd need to look up the standard molar entropy values of each of the chemical species and calculate the change in entropy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Rise and Spread of Communism in China essays

The Rise and Spread of Communism in China essays The Rise and Spread of Communism in China The aftermath of World War II had left many countries in ruins, as great masses of countrymen were beginning to suffer from its devastating effects. The remains of what had once been great cities were now destroyed, and the remnants of great buildings and architectural structures now littered the streets. At such a critical and dreadful time, many societies were forced to re-establish and reconstruct, as the war left many injured and homeless, in a daily struggle for survival. An ideal revolution was required, and for China during this post World War II era, communism inevitably became their glorious path towards restoration. The ideal of communism, which can briefly be described as an economic system that is characterized by collective ownership of property with an organization of labor providing for the common good of all the members, contained many political and social aspects, which seemed ideal to a devastated China. Furthermore, the implementation of a new communistic society required the destruction of the previous anti-communist Guomindang regime. Political aid, along with military support additionally played a significant part in the post World War II, as many third worlds became nothing more then pawns in these ongoing contests of the two global superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union (Turbulent Passage, 118). Inevitably, the aftermath caused by World War II caused the rise and spread of communism, as China desperately needed to diverge from a former Guomindang regime, towards a new communist ideal. The spread of Communism and its ideals in China significantly increased during the occurrence of the war. The rise of Communism during this period is additionally affiliated with the gradual destruction of Chiang Kai-Sheks regime of the anti-communist, Guomindang. Despite initial support of the Guomindang provided by their military, peasants, and landlo...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Relationship between Entrepreneuship, Innocation and Economic Essay

The Relationship between Entrepreneuship, Innocation and Economic Development - Essay Example A variety of theories and policy approaches have been advanced with Keynesian influenced stimulus packages being infused into Western economies with varying degrees of success. Still, a growing body of support has turned to the potentials of economic development occurring through entrepreneurship and innovation. Theorists such as Joseph Schumpeter argue that entrepreneurship and innovation are core elements for economic development, and subsequent city and state governments have oftentimes-established incubators and given increased funding to ensure that innovation is supported. This essay examines the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. The essay also considers the role creativity and problem solving play in this relationship, with reference to both theory and examples from the business world. Analysis When examining the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development perhaps the most groundbreaking theorist has bee n Joseph Schumpeter. While Schumpeter’s insights into economic development span a wide array of understandings, there are a number of specific considerations that are relevant for this specific mode of investigation. One of Schumpeter’s most important notions is that of ‘creative destruction’. ... Individuals such as Alan Greenspan have noted that this process underlines economic development. He notes, â€Å""Capitalism expands wealth primarily through creative destruction—the process by which the cash flow from obsolescent, low-return capital is invested in high-return, cutting-edge technologies" (Greenspan 2002). There are a number of specific means by which entrepreneurship and innovation carries out such creative destruction. In his text ‘Theory of Economic Development’ Schumpeter argued that entrepreneurship didn’t simply create new industries, but also resulted in the combination of past industries (Schumpeter 1982). One example of this is that the development of the steam engine combined with carriage development techniques to form the automobile. The development of the automobile then drastically shifts previously held economic and social structural elements, reenergizing the economy and contributing to economic development. While Schumpeter ’s theories have received a degree of criticism that remain prominent and highly relevant in the contemporary world environment. In large part, Schumpeter’s understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation as contributing to economic development has been echoed through endogenous growth theory. This perspective contends that a nation’s economic growth occurs through internal rather than external factors. In this context of understanding it’s clear how Schumpeter’s theory on entrepreneurship is squarely rooted within the endogenous means of growth. While entrepreneurship is popularly viewed in terms of inventions and small business owners, in further examining its impact on economic development one must consider the more abstract notion of innovation

Friday, October 18, 2019

Countries and Climate Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Countries and Climate Change - Essay Example Within the country, there are cultural and linguistic variations in different regions, but however, because of its high population, the culture is relatively uniform. The climate in china varies from region to region because the country is very large. The key biophysical climatic change impacts on the country’s environment are the rising sea levels, increase in natural disasters and biodiversity loss (Bloom, 2010). At the northeast side of the country, the summers are hot and dry and the winters are freezing cold. On the other hand, the north and the central regions have recurrent bouts of rainfall together with hot summers and cold winters. In the southeast there is abundance of rainfall (Harris, 2011). China rainfall in the Himalayan Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau as a result of monsoon winds that blow north from the Indian Ocean, semi-tropical summers and cool winters. Flooding can occur in the central, southern and western regions and the country in common experience earthquakes. Although countries across the globe are facing environmental challenges that result from climate change, the case of china is more different due to her culture that has seen her engage more in the production industry right from the advent of the greatest world civilization in the ancient times. Indeed, in the history of the world’s civilization, China consolidated the global power and dominance and was considered the world’s leading in innovations that gave the whole world its backbone in industrial development (Li, 2014). As a result of her knowledgeable and better political, economic, hypothetical, artistic and scientific technology, climate change has been influenced due to the corrosion of ecosystem and natural environment. These activities have led to the increase in the variability in the rainfall patterns that affects the supply of fresh water; more frequently floods have been experienced coupled with heightened risk of water-borne diseases that have

Explain the logic behind the ideal of compassion in the Mahayana Essay

Explain the logic behind the ideal of compassion in the Mahayana perspective - Essay Example Bodhisattvas or the enlightened beings are characterized by a number of features that distinguish them from the arhants (Humboldt, n.d.). The bodhisattva path lays emphasis on karuna (compassion). The Mahayana tradition explains that arhant is a noble path as it stresses that every being should concentrated on the spiritual achievement of one’s self but in doing this one does not embrace the suffering of others. Buddha intended that Buddhism should be used as a vehicle to liberate all sentient beings from sufferings. This is possible through Mahayana which believes that compassion and compassionate love for all beings makes one help others to attain the same liberation. The basic doctrine of Mahayana centers around the tenet that eternal Buddha is present but hidden in all sentient beings and it is possible to understand this presence through the process of liberation from sufferings. Hence it focuses on the bodhisattva path and emphasizes that this liberation has to be for all beings and not for the self alone (Kaplan, 1998). To help all beings liberate from sufferings requires compassion for all beings. The goal of Mahayana is not to remain an arhant but to attain buddhahood. Thus to save all sentient beings from samsara is the basic concept on which Mahayana is based. Various definitions of compassion can be found. For instance, karuna in Pali is related to our concern for others. It is more than an attitude of mind. It is anukampa and daya. Compassion is essential for a just and a harmonious society. It is essential towards the path of wisdom; it is an action towards liberation by those who have become enlightened and by those who sincerely follow the path towards attaining it. When others suffer it makes the heart of good people tremble (kampa) and this is compassion (Jenkins, 2000). Effort to demolish others’ suffering is karuna. Mahayana emphasizes that one should postpone one’s liberation so

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Adult learning and development theories applied to military education Assignment

Adult learning and development theories applied to military education - Assignment Example Established educational programs play an important role in influencing learning processes and program components, moderated by learning and developmental theories, empowers learning processes to success. Examples of learning theories are social cognitive orientation theory, transformational learning theory and self-directed learning theory while Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is an example of developmental theories. Class sessions, tutoring, advising, program evaluation, and mandatory assessment are examples of program components and this paper reviews them subject to learning theories and developmental theories. Transformational learning theory and educational learning components Transformational learning theory is core to adult learning program. The theory’s core construct is the learning approach in which adults transform their existing knowledge, opinions, and assumptions and assume a more open minded and comprehensive scope of their experiences. The theor y relies on meditations, based on positive and negative experiences that motivate an individual and those experiences that develop surprises to adult learners, leading to social change that may be evident in reduced poverty level in the society, enhanced knowledge base in the learners, or reduced level of oppression. Transformational learning also relies on learners’ rationale from which new knowledge constructs are developed from experiences (Merriam, Caffarella and Baumgartner, 2012; Westby, 2007). Class session defines the traditional learning process in which a teacher teaches students belonging to a given class. It is a common approach to adult education, especially because of fixed schedules converges learning time, and constrained facilities. The foundation of class session exposure of the learner to new knowledge and this identifies with diversified aspects of the transformational learning theory. Exposure to new knowledge offers a basis for reflection into the learne r’s experience, a process that triggers the transformational learning theory’s aspect of reconstruction of perspectives. Developed knowledge in class sessions also offer a benchmark for determining the motivational aspect of an experience as lower benchmarks would enlist positive attitude while high benchmarks would identify discouragements in a learner’s experience. Interactive class sessions also exhaust learners’ perspectives and rationale to transform approach to knowledge development and to changed held perspectives (King, 2009; Boylan, Bliss and Bonham, 1997). Unlike class sessions, tutoring focuses on small number of students per educators and may sometimes be done on a one-on one basis. Its scope is similar to the scope of class session and therefore identify with transformational learning theory. The tutor, in a facilitator role, exposes learners to constructs that evoke reflection and meditation upon experience to motivate new perspectives. Lear nt knowledge from the program component also establishes standards that motivate learners into reflections and meditations. Consequently, tutoring identifies with the transformational learning theory through its concepts that promote reflection, among learners, of their experience, meditation upon the experiences, and integration of the experiences and learnt concepts for a new perspective. Advisory and counseling initiatives are other major components of educational programs and apply to adult education. The adult learner prefers an active approach to knowl

Effectiveness of Strategic Marketing and Recommendations for Ford Research Paper

Effectiveness of Strategic Marketing and Recommendations for Ford Company - Research Paper Example Know and have a passion for our business and our customers. Demonstrate and build functional and technical excellence. Ensure process discipline. Have a continuous improvement philosophy and practice. On Working Together - Believe in skilled and motivated people working together Include everyone; respect, listen to, help and appreciate others Build strong relationships; be a team player; develop ourselves and others Communicate clearly, concisely and candidly Role Model Ford Values Show initiative, courage, integrity and good corporate citizenship Improve quality, safety and sustainability Have a can do, find a way attitude and emotional resilience Enjoy the journey and each other; have fun – never at others’ expense Deliver results Deal positively with our business realities; develop compelling and comprehensive plans while keeping an enterprise view. Set high expectations and inspire others. Make sound decisions using facts and data Hold ourselves and others responsib le and accountable for delivering results and satisfying our customers. Business objectives Nonfinancial Goals 1. Retain spot as a global market leader with over 100 plants and 280,000 employees worldwide. 2. Sustain profitability and rank as Number 1 US auto company. 3. Introduce 2013 Hybrid Edge into Chinese, European and US markets 4. Enter and increase manufacturing in India to lower plant costs 5. Build efficiency through better logistics, distribution and control 6. Succeed at all implementation factors 7. Build awareness and increase sales of all Ford Hybrid automobiles Financial Goals 1.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Adult learning and development theories applied to military education Assignment

Adult learning and development theories applied to military education - Assignment Example Established educational programs play an important role in influencing learning processes and program components, moderated by learning and developmental theories, empowers learning processes to success. Examples of learning theories are social cognitive orientation theory, transformational learning theory and self-directed learning theory while Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is an example of developmental theories. Class sessions, tutoring, advising, program evaluation, and mandatory assessment are examples of program components and this paper reviews them subject to learning theories and developmental theories. Transformational learning theory and educational learning components Transformational learning theory is core to adult learning program. The theory’s core construct is the learning approach in which adults transform their existing knowledge, opinions, and assumptions and assume a more open minded and comprehensive scope of their experiences. The theor y relies on meditations, based on positive and negative experiences that motivate an individual and those experiences that develop surprises to adult learners, leading to social change that may be evident in reduced poverty level in the society, enhanced knowledge base in the learners, or reduced level of oppression. Transformational learning also relies on learners’ rationale from which new knowledge constructs are developed from experiences (Merriam, Caffarella and Baumgartner, 2012; Westby, 2007). Class session defines the traditional learning process in which a teacher teaches students belonging to a given class. It is a common approach to adult education, especially because of fixed schedules converges learning time, and constrained facilities. The foundation of class session exposure of the learner to new knowledge and this identifies with diversified aspects of the transformational learning theory. Exposure to new knowledge offers a basis for reflection into the learne r’s experience, a process that triggers the transformational learning theory’s aspect of reconstruction of perspectives. Developed knowledge in class sessions also offer a benchmark for determining the motivational aspect of an experience as lower benchmarks would enlist positive attitude while high benchmarks would identify discouragements in a learner’s experience. Interactive class sessions also exhaust learners’ perspectives and rationale to transform approach to knowledge development and to changed held perspectives (King, 2009; Boylan, Bliss and Bonham, 1997). Unlike class sessions, tutoring focuses on small number of students per educators and may sometimes be done on a one-on one basis. Its scope is similar to the scope of class session and therefore identify with transformational learning theory. The tutor, in a facilitator role, exposes learners to constructs that evoke reflection and meditation upon experience to motivate new perspectives. Lear nt knowledge from the program component also establishes standards that motivate learners into reflections and meditations. Consequently, tutoring identifies with the transformational learning theory through its concepts that promote reflection, among learners, of their experience, meditation upon the experiences, and integration of the experiences and learnt concepts for a new perspective. Advisory and counseling initiatives are other major components of educational programs and apply to adult education. The adult learner prefers an active approach to knowl

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Trace the events surrounding the Birth of Texas Essay

Trace the events surrounding the Birth of Texas - Essay Example The Mexican War was a large event that lasted from 1846 – 1848. This war was initiated over borders. This war helped determine Texan borders and allowed for Texas to house its current shape and size. Before the Mexican War Texas was Spanish owned and slow to develop. After settlers took over Texas, Texas flourished with natural resources. Since Texas was once owned by the Spanish it is home to many Spanish Americans. When Texas was Spanish owned it quickly became over populated with American settlers. American settlers saw the potential that Texas housed and were eager to develop. This over population of Americans, land disputes and promising future fueled Americans to fight and take over this land from the Spanish. After just a few short years of battle, Texas became known as the Independent Republic of Texas. The independent Republic of Texas lasted for ten years. During these ten years many smaller events took place and are now know as Texan history. This republic lasted from 1836 to 1846. The Texas Revolution is largely responsible for the states independence. The first flag of Texas was the Burnet Flag and was eventually replaced by the current and well known lone star flag. There were many different presidents during this time and a formal congress. After holding its own republic for ten years Texas eventually became known as the 28th state of America. This annexation into the United States took place in 1845. This was a success as the first annexation in 1837 was unsuccessful due to the thought of war. Oil, oil and more oil was largely popular in the early 1900’s. The discovery of the much oil housed by Texas allowed Texas to eventually become a very wealthy state. In 1901, oil was discovered which led to the discovery of much more oil which covered basically the whole entire state of Texas. Texas and its discovery of oil allowed for Texas to grow and become powerful. The use of oil was so powerful in Texas that the state

Nutrition - Hamburger Essay Example for Free

Nutrition Hamburger Essay â€Å"Approximately 30. 3 percent of children (ages 6 to 11) are overweight and 15. 3 percent are obese. For adolescents (ages 12 to 19), 30. 4 percent are overweight and 15. 5 percent are obese†. Every year the percentage of Americans increases the obesity and death rate in the United States of America. This all is happening because of unhealthy junk food we eat every day. People eat fast food almost every day because they are too lazy to cook healthy food in their home so they always look for quick and fast food like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Jack in the box etc. For some teenagers like college students it is becoming a regular meal because they don’t get time to cook healthy food and they always want an easy and quick meal. It is cheap and convenient. People have started eating more at fast food restaurants than eating at home but what they don’t know is that in future it can cause so many diseases like heart attacks, cholesterol, and stomach pains. Even though, fast food is quick and unhealthy food people still eat it because it tastes good. In 2008, 40,000 people die in America just because of eating fast food every day. It shows logos and pathos because it’s telling how people are crazy about fast food but they don’t know what type of consequence they will have to face after they get heart problems, cancer, and diabetes so on. My solution is Fast food should serve little more healthy food with fried sandwich and healthy juices so people will not get diseases like heart attacks, and stokes and it should just opened on weekends. If they started opening fast food restaurants on weekend only then people will cook in their home, eat healthy food, and will stay healthy too. They should issue id to everyone so people cannot eat twice and the people who ate on Saturdays they will not able to eat on Sundays. Fast food restaurant should also not be close to high schools because most of the teenagers love to eat junk food and they will not to eat healthy food. If we serve more healthy food than junk food than it will be effective for people and can saves their lives from diseases. People will object this solution because first they don’t like healthy food at all and even though junk food causes them so many problems they will not stop eating because we all are addicted to junk food. It can be solve if the fast food restaurants stop using cheap oil and fresh meat and serve healthy food with regular meal. There are couple steps we can follow if we all have to live healthy. Fast food restaurants should not be opened on other location because there are so many types of restaurant where ever you see sign of McDonalds, Burger King so on. But I think teenagers will not accept it because they are too lazy to cook their own food. Second Fast food restaurants should serve healthy food with regular meal. If they started doing this no one will come to fast food restaurants and business owners will not be able to make that much money that they use to from people before. Last, they should not be close to the school because most teenagers eat junk food and they will not be eating healthy food at all. My solution is best because first it will keeps people healthy and won’t get diseases like cancer, strokes and death rating will be reduce. Even though, people will not get to eat that much like fried chicken sandwich French fries they will stay healthier most of the time and get chance to live more. People will not be lazy to cook food in their home and they will more likely spend their times with their families. Then, most of the time people will eat with their families instead of eating alone. I know people will not accept this solution but if they want to survive and want to live healthy then they will accept this solution. I’m sure the Fast Food Company will not like this assessment because they wouldn’t able to make that much money that they use to. But people lives are more important than money. If people eat healthy food every day, they will not be lazy and more likely go to their work. They will be happy, cheerful and aggressive all the time. If people will be happy and aggressive, they will contribute more work while working Fast food is just making us large and giving us new type of disease. So I suggest people especially teenagers who are addicted to fast food should also eat healthy food. In real world, no one will follow these steps because it is a hard process and teenagers will not follow it because we cannot live without eating fast food and we are so lazy to cook healthy food and we always look for easy and quick meal even though we know its fried and can gave us terrible diseases. I suggest American government to pass this law to close fast food restaurants during the week fast food is eating us.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Image Steganography by Enhanced Pixel Indicator Method

Image Steganography by Enhanced Pixel Indicator Method Image Steganography by Enhanced Pixel Indicator Method Using Most Significant Bit (MSB) Compare Vijaya Raghava Kukapalli ,Dr.B. Tarakeswara Rao, Mr.B.Satyanarayana Reddy AbstractSteganography is one of the secure ways of protecting data. It provides secrete communication between user and client. The current paper presents an enhanced Pixel Indicator Method (PIM) by comparing three MSB bits at each pixel to embed the data. And we also use Blowfish algorithm to convert message into cipher text. By using the combination of these two techniques we can achieve greater complexity. Due to this mechanism proposed method makes the message difficult to be discovered with less distortion and embedding rates. Keywords: Steganography, Pixel Indicator, Blowfish, Distortions, Embedding Rates. INTRODUCTION Since the rise of the www (World Wide Web) one of the most important facts of Internet. Cryptography is one of the method through which we can achieve security. Two main methods of cryptography are encryption and decryption. By using these two techniques we can provide security for our secrete data. But there are some drawbacks in cryptography such as Brute-force attacks by which the intruders can identify the data. To avoid brute-force attacks it is necessary to have a larger key space [1]. And using Cryptanalysis the can extract the original data. Steganography is a technique to hide the secrete information. It I related to Cryptography is just about old technique. It was used by the Ancient Greeks to hide information from other troops. The word steganography I derived from the Greek word â€Å"stegos† meaning â€Å"cover† and â€Å"grapy† meaning â€Å"writing† defining as covered writing. Essentially information hiding is the main task of steganography. The embedding process creates a stego image which contains information. The basic method used to hide data in image is LSB technique. By using this technique we store the information in least significant bit of each pixel. One of the common encoding performed over the secret image before embedding is Huffman Encoding [2]. Steganography has two primary goals: 1) Security-It is the hidden data stored by either person or a computer.2) Capacity-It shows how much data can be hidden in a given cover image. These two goals are often in competition. As a result, steganography started to attract the attention of computer researchers and users. In fact, the goal of steganography is to hide the important information of communication by embedding the secrete data to transmit into a digital media file such as image or text files. OVERVIEW OF STEGANOGRAPHY Least Significant Bit (LSB) Method This is one of the most important and popular techniques of steganography. By this method, least significant bits of the pixel (in black white images) or colors are used to embed secret message bits. It is a good steganography mechanism since changes in a least significant bit yield few changes in the original image. The stego-image quality is improved by using LSB technique. In this technique, certain least significant bits of cover image are replaced with secrete data [3]. Suppose, for example, the by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) with the numerical value as 01000111, is replaced with the following pixel values (the underlined bits represent the embedded bits): Pixel 1= (R=00011101, G=00111010, B=11001010) =>(R=00011100, G=00111011, B=11001010) Pixel 2= (R=01011001, G=10011011, B=11001110) =>(R=01011000, G=10011010, B=11001111) Pixel 3= (R=10010100, G=10101001, B=00110000) =>(R=10010101, G=10101001, B=00110000) The LSB approaches are divided into two fixed- and variable-length categories [4]. By the fixed-length methods, a given number of least significant bits of a byte are selected for embedding the data. In the variable-length method an assortment numbers of least significant bits of the proposed byte are chosen [5]. Cleanness and the pace of little changes in the portrait are the advantages of these techniques, while the disadvantage includes the chance of fast revealing. Pixel Indicator Process Adnan Gutub(2010)[6] in reference developed a method where a single color among three color components of a pixel was served as the pixel indicator; meaning that it indicates which colors in the pixel contains hiding bits of a secret message. Random values are selected for the indicator of each pixel, based on which message bits are placed in other colors of that pixel. The indicator uses two bits inserted inside two least significant bits of a specific color considered as the indicator. To increase the security of this technique, the color chosen as the pixel indicator is varied, so in the first pixel, Red is the indicator, Green is Channel 1, and Blue is Channel 2. For second pixel, Green is the indicator for pixel, Red and Blue act as Channel 1 and Channel 2, respectively. Finally, in third pixel, Blue is the indicator, while Red and Green act as Channel 1,Channel 2. The embedding of message is flowcharted in Figure 1.Pixel Indicator Embedding Process Because of the application of indicator; this method needs a wide space and, obviously, registration of color Figure 1: Pixel indicator embedding process The study uses the basic model of LSB swap along with Pixel Indicator and follows the same but with different think [7].Two such methods are described here: one with evade indicator and other with recurring indicator.LSB swap offers enhanced quality and capacity. On the words, confidential data is entrenched in data channels by modifying the cover image bits. In his propose method we first estimate the mean and standard deviation of every pixel if the entire image.The accidental traversing path is used for embedding to increase messiness .The representation for this study is given by the author. Before embedding process starts up, each cover image submits itself to control by means of translation of matrix and modulo [8].Hence the cover image undergoes successive alterations even before embedding. The plan of calculating mean and also standard deviation increases the difficulty of embedding rates. PROPOSED SOLUTION The study uses the primary concept of LSB swap along with Pixel Indicator and follows the same but with different methodology .The technique uses the MSB bit of RGB channels of a pixel. The channels can be choose in random (or) in sequence i.e. RGB, RBG etc soon [9] .However the indicated MSB bits are available at random based on image size, quality and its properties. The relationship between the hidden data in 3 channels is shown in Table 1. Indicator values based action. TABLE 1: INDICATOR VALUES BASED ACTION We have selected the indicator channels in sequence that is Red, Green and Blue. And then we find the MSB bit of each channel to know the bits. Once we got the bits we needed then we can perform the following process. The process of encryption and decryption takes place before hiding and after retrieving original information. During the encryption and decryption both sender and receiver uses same key/password. The encryption technique we used here is Blowfish which is having key length from 32 bits to 448 bits and it uses symmetric block cipher. Blowfish is developed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier as an alternative to existing algorithms. Blowfish algorithm [10] is a Feistel Network in which there are 16 rounds. In each round different sub keys are used. The block size is of 64 bits and key can be any length up to 448 bits. Figure-2: Flow chart for embedding data Algorithm for embedding Read the cover image(C) and secrete data to be embedded (D). Converting the secrete data into cipher text using BLOWFISH algorithm. Extract the length of the secrete data and store it in first 8 bytes. Divide each pixel into R, G, and B planes. And find the MSB bits of the 3 planes. By using the Tabel-1 select the channels where you want to store data. Repeat the process till all the secrete data is stored. Store the resultant stego image. Algorithm for Extraction Read the stego image. Split the pixel into RGB channels and find the MSB bit of each channel. Compare the retrieved bits with the Table 1 to find the channels that contain data. Now get the encrypted data and perform the decryption process to get original data. Repeat the process until the all data is retrieved. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The technique was implemented and tested in java. The technique accepts all mainly JPEG, PNG; BMP images of size 260Ãâ€"349.We can select a bmp image for testing the proposed Enhanced PIT algorithm. The PIT method is compared with the Stegoimage-1bit, Stegoimage-2bit, Stegoimage-3bit, Stegoimage-4bit. The approximate BMP image size used is 512 X 384 used to veil a text message of 11,733 characters length. The algorithm is used to hide 1-bit, 2-bits, to find the effect of transparency, security and capacity. Tests results showed different levels of diagrammatic inspections and histograms based study. For influence obligation the numbers of pixels used are recorded in each trial run. Figure 3: Original image Figure 4: Stego image Higher PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) [11] indicates that the steganography images are of high feature and does not hunt for the interest of the intruder because if zilch image artifacts. MSE (Mean Squared Error) and PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) are given by: MSE=)2 Where M, N=Dimensions of the image. Ci,j=The pixels in the original image. Si,j=The pixels of the stego image. PSNR=) DB Where, for color image =255. CONCLUSION The current paper provided a technique by exploiting differences made between colors to embed message bits in two least significant bits. Since color selection is based on color differences and values of variable N, the message will be hard to detect. Furthermore, as there is no need to insert additional information, changes in image will be small and image quality will be higher. Another important point to be mentioned is that embedding which is first applied on first least significant bits and, then, second least significant bits yields few changes in the original image for messages with small sizes. Because changes in second least significant bits will make more changes in color values. Therefore, it is likely to be avoided, unless this approach needs to be worked. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to be grateful Dr. B. Tarakeshwar Rao for his most support and encouragement. He benevolently read my paper and offered valuable meticulous advices on grammar, association, and the idea of the paper. Finally, I honestly thank to my parents and friends. REFERENCES [1] Enhanced chaotic key-based algorithm for low-entropy image encryptionYavuz, E.Yazici, R.Kasapbasi,M.C.Yamac, E.Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference(SIU),s201422ndDOI:10.1109/SIU.2014.6830246Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 385 388 [2] A novelsteganographymethod forimagebased on Huffman EncodingDas, R.;Tuithung, T.Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science (NCETACS), 2012, 3rdNationalConference nDOI:10.1109/NCETACS.2012.6203290Publication Year: 2012, Page(s): 14 18. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Faerie Queene Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, Spencer

Edmund Spenser’s epic poem The Faerie Queene is well known as an allegorical work, and the poem is typically read in relation to the political and religious context of the time. The term allegory tends to be loosely defined, rendering a whole work an extended metaphor, or even implying â€Å"any writing in verse or prose that has a double meaning†(Cuddon 20). In true Spenserian style, with everything having double meanings, both uses of the term allegory are applicable to his writing. Thus, during the course of this essay it is best not to think of allegory in terms of the size of a body of writing, but as writing with a â€Å"second distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal or visible meaning†(Baldick 6). Whilst reading for political and religious allegory is key in understanding Spenser’s message, reading for moral allegory also provides readers with detailed insight into the text. It is because of this that I have chosen to focus not only on political and religious allegory but also the moral allegory that accompanies episodes in Book One focused on Una and Duessa. The two characters represent a multitude of allegories; truth and falseness, and Protestantism and Catholicism being the most prominent. Una and Duessa represent a binary opposition, and it is because of this that they help to produce a wealth of allegory when read closely. The characters represent conflicting ideas, yet neither of which would be conceivable without the other . Both characters can only function in the poem when supported by one another, if one character were to be removed, the binary opposition would be removed and the allegory drawn from either Una or Duessa would be less productive. The two episodes I will be investigating are Canto I, Stanzas 4... representing someone or something more true to life. Roberts is right in saying â€Å"Spenser’s allegorical poem demands the active engagement of its reader to produce allegory†(1). Although he never permits to say it directly, he is also right in noting that close reading of The Faerie Queene provides a much broader ranger of allegory. The examined stanzas are somewhat deceptive; they are short seemingly unimportant introductions that do not contribute to plot. However, in keeping with the true double nature of Spenser’s writing they contribute so much more than that to the text. Spenser uses the stanzas as a gateway for us to begin our study of his characters. Each close reading provides the reader with a different allegory, and it is through these multiple interpretations that Spenser manages to reveal part of his overall political, religious, and moral messages.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Knowledge Based Expert System in Transportation Engineering and Traffic

Knowledge Based Expert System in Transportation Engineering and Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System I. Abstract Advances in computer technologies have been changing transportation field. Based on those, Intelligent Transportation System has been proposed and being developed for the next generation transportation system. This system requires more utilization of Artificial Intelligence, such as Knowledge Based Expert System, than current one. Although Knowledge Based Expert System has not been robustly studied in the field of transportation, it is suggested to be implemented in Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System as a part of Intelligent Transportation System. Therefore, it is fundamental to overview that what the current position of Knowledge Based Expert System in transportation is. It will help to construct a specialized knowledge on and understand that system in Transportation. Previous applications of Knowledge Based Expert System in transportation field are briefly reviewed, and potential implementations are discussed by focusing on Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System in this paper. Key words: Knowledge Based Expert System, Intelligent Transportation System, Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System. II. Introduction Advances in computing have dramatically changed the transportation field in the last decades. These enhance the speed and credit of traffic analysis and allow transportation engineers to study various problems that would not be possibly answered without computer techniques, such as simulations. On the other hand, transportation system have been experienced congestion during its peak hours. To solve this, its facilities have been expended in order to increase their capacity by means of adding addit... ...ion Support Architecture For Advanced Traffic Management" Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine, CA September 1989. 6. Dell'Olmo P. and Mirchandani P. "An Approach for Real-time Coordination of Traffic Flows on Networks", Paper No 950837, Transportation Research Board's 74th Annual meeting, Washington D.C., January 1995. 7. Stack R. and Ritchie S.G., "Real-Time Expert System for Freeway Incident Management" Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine, CA, December 1993. 1. These are SCEPTRE (Surface Condition Export for Pavement Rehabilitation), OVERDRIVE (Overlay Design Heuristic Adviser) and Network Optimization. 2. In addition, it has resulted that each method from those five research centers is applicable in different traffic condition also.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Issues Surrounding Masculinity in United States Essay

Our society today has little tolerance for men and masculinity in general. Masculinity can be defined as having qualities or appearance of male. It includes behaviors typically associated with men. In his book, Ferguson takes us into the world of a sole, municipal elementary school attended by students who have been labeled as troublemakers and potential jail inmates. She identifies how a group of young boys of African American origin aged between 11 to 12 years are identified by their school work force as lovers of jail (14). Over the years black Americans boys have been subjected to a kind of discrimination both in school and outside. There are claims that teachers treat these boys as if they are doomed to fail. Ferguson (26) goes on to criticize the form of punishment given to the boys which according to him does not instill discipline but simply perpetuating troublemakers and creating potential inmates (67). According to equality index carried out by Pascoe (114), black men in America have high chances of being unemployed than white men. The black men are seven times more likely more to be imprisoned with a jail sentence of above ten months over their white counterparts. The report also discloses other disparities ranging from unemployment, school drop out rates and annual income. While there have been some improvements on the gap between the black men and white men in United States of America, black masculinity is still being faced with greater problem. Despite the condemnation given to them, Ferguson argues that Black American boys look seriously at schooling and excelling in life. In addition she identifies how the whole society beliefs in a natural difference of black children from the white children. Most people according to him identify the black men as criminal and it is this view that disproportionately put them in danger of disappointment and punishment. this is a greatly interfere with the black American boys according who in future end up taking the negative behavior as implied by their mentors. Ferguson bases her argument on a fundamental theory of learning, drawn from two sources: Marxist & Bowles speculation view of society which gives school the task of reproducing the existing communal pecking order, and Foucault’s post-structural theory of disciplinary authority that views punishment as an instrument of social segregation (82). He contrasts this speculative frame to the commonly held liberal idea that schools are meritocratic (112). But the black American boys are hyper aware of their individuality pattern. According to Fergusson (123), they act upon their masculinity through impressive performances and disruptions in class work and they achieve their self worth for themselves by using hostility behavior strategy to regain their sense of self. Â  To identify themselves as resourceful, authoritative and knowledgeable in the face of the humiliation they encounter in school. By masculinity, Malin (36) seems to mean men who not only reveal the physical qualities of toughness but also who also possesses some noble principle. In his book, Malin claimed that Clinton has been shown as a conflicted and sensitive, yet strong man (42). It is these characters according to Malin (43) that helped him win presidential elections. Clinton’s personality remained a package of conflicts that variously embraced and overthrown different stereotypes of masculinity hence he was able to remain a strong man. Malin 2005 (78). Sonenstein associates masculinity with culture, and socialization and encourages men to try to live up to cultural standards of masculinity (342). According to Malin, men fraternity face pressures and dilemmas around race- and gender-based individuality structure is always a flagrant force that works against these students maintaining an obligation to schooling. This is why schools across the nation for example in US observe a continual attrition of schoolboys as they link the ranks of troublemakers (67). According to Ferguson (112), molding our boys viewing them as Bad Boys is a powerful challenge to current views on the setback of the black males in school. Currently black males are severely constrained by the society and culture of their high school and of American society in general. This form of treatment world neither favor girl child who is always more vulnerable to several situations. Due to this unhealthy treatment the black American Male end up performing poorly in their education which lead them to drug abuse and criminal activities which in future lead them to be on the wrong side of the law. Ferguson 2000 (P 139) Both black and white men have their roles to play as men in America. Ferguson advocates for need to change the social organization and the culture of the society so as to enhance a suitable learning environment of the African American males in particular and all children in general. Solutions begin from an assurance that slight inputs, short-term interventions and person prescriptions into schools are greatly sufficient to cure an organization that is mainly flawed. The organization should aim for metropolitan black kid who seems to be the formation of a community which will basically obey the rules of civilization. A reform of the whole educational system is what is urgently necessary according to Ferguson (234). Overhauling the whole school system is the only way according to Ferguson (113) for eliminating all kind of institutionalized discrimination. She states that significant changes may take position by altering the curriculum and establishing lesser classes whereby student gets enough attention from their trainers. In addition, antiracist education for student teachers and reciprocated respect among adults and youth will also form a very good base to eliminate society and cultural constrain. Schools that are reorganized in this way would help in bringing new meaning to the Black masculinity (235).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Important Soft Skills for University Essay

Competition for jobs is very tight right now due to the many people who apply for jobs or at least the capacity of workers. Of course the graduates will work and will compete with the graduates themselves or other college graduates. Thus students should prepare themselves to compete before and after it passed in getting a better job. Develop hard skills are the main answer to success in getting the job. However, it is not enough hard skill capabilities, but must be balanced with the ability of soft skills in meeting the challenges while doing the work. By Admin working world believe that human resources are superior to those who not only have hard skill proficiency, but also an expert in soft skill aspects. Added also, that the world of education, revealed by research at Harvard University by the United States turns a person’s success is not determined solely by the knowledge and technical skills (hard skills), but more by the ability to manage ourselves and others (soft skills). From the above, we can see that the importance of hard skills and soft skills for anyone who wants to get or when doing the work. Thus required that every student should improve the hard skill and soft skill in preparing for the world of work during their studies. This is in line with the Higher Education Long Term Strategy 2003 – 2010 (Directorate General of Higher Education, 2004) which was formulated by the Ministry of Education clearly states that the role of higher education in increasing the competitiveness of nations is vital given the level of competition of human resources in the national labor market and International continues to increase with increasing application of science and new technologies in various fields of business, as well as the need for a level of professionalism (knowledge, hard skills, soft skills) are higher. Soft skills  Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, career prospects, job performance and education. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job, education and many other activities. Soft skills are skills that effect how people interact with other people, and also intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, such as one’s attitude, communication skills, time management abilities, ability to work under pressure. Soft skills can be said to incorporate all aspects of generic skills that include the cognitive elements associated with non-academic skills. The reorientation of education which is one trust of education for sustainability also relates the importance of these so-called soft skills. Vast research and expert opinions have been sought in the effort to determine the specific soft skills to be implemented and used in higher institutions of learning such as university level. Based on the research findings obtained, seven soft skills have been identified and chosen to be implemented in all institutions of higher learning here and university student. They are: * Communicative skills. * Thinking skills and Problem solving skills. * Team work force. * Life-long learning and Information Management. * Entrepreneur skill. * Ethics, moral and professionalism. * Leadership skills. Each of the soft skills comprised of several sub-skills. These sub-skills are divided into two categories of implementation. The first category delineates the soft skills that every individual must have and the second category represents soft skills that are good to have. Despite the emphasis being put on the soft skills that must be present, it is also encouraged to inculcate the soft skills that are good to have. All elements of soft skills must be acquired by each individual student and evaluated effectively and comprehensively. Soft skills must be acquired by each and every individual in the institutions of higher learning without which, the student is regarded as incompetent in the above skill. Soft skills can be regarded as the additional generic skills and a bonus to the student. It can be observed that education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability for university student such as communication skills. Communication skills are essential for the successful future career of a student. In today’s competitive world, communication skills in business are the most sought after quality of an educated person. Reading, writing and listening carefully are the three most important communication skills for students. These skills like most of the communication skills sounds too familiar as a result of which we take them for granted. As regards reading and writing, the only thing that we need to tackle is to adapt with our growing age and concentration. With these two qualities, it is possible to develop reading, oral communication skills, writing skills and increase Ability to deliver idea clearly, effectively and with confidence either orally or in writing. Apart from reading and writing presentations, reports and speeches are a part of university curriculum. This makes expressive skills and managing skills also important for a university student. It is also important to develop communication skills in relationships. FINDINGS 1. Soft skills that are important for university student. Communication skills The communicative skills involve effective communication in both the national language and English language in different contexts and with different people. Communicative skills are an integral part of any education system either in higher education or lower education. At this very level, emphasis has been given to develop the communicative skills of individual in university so that by the time they leave university, they are able to participate in public community activities and decision making. What is found to be missing in among university student is the lack of communicative skills. The absence of good communicative skills somehow or rather has an influence on the poor presentation of their views and decisions made to gain other’s confidence and respect. â€Å"Real communication occurs when we listen with understanding – to see the expressed idea and attitude from the other person’s point of view, to sense how it feels to him, to achieve his frame of reference in regard to the things he is talking about. † Carl Rogers (1952, p. 3) As we can see if students apply these skills, student able to deliver idea clearly, effectively and with confidence either orally or in writing, moreover, student also can communicate with individual from a different cultural background. Thus, this is a good time to reorientate the curriculum of higher institutions to embed communicative skills more effectively. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills This skill includes the ability to think critically, creatively, innovatively and analytically. It also involves the ability to apply knowledge and understanding to new and different problems as well. The critical thinking skills, skills to organize and interpret data and information, skills to formulate questions and the ability to analyze issues that confront communities are greatly addressed in the reorientation of basic education. The following are some examples of skills that are similar to the soft skills being emphasized in the university curriculum. The ability to think about systems (both natural and social sciences). * The ability to think in time-to forecast, to think ahead, and to plan. * The ability to think critically about value issues. * The ability to separate number, quantity, quality and values. All the above skills are important and students will require them as adults. The Skill of Team Work The ability to work with people from different social cultural background to achieve a common goal. Students are encouraged to play their role in the group and to respect opinions and attitudes of others in the group. They are also expected to contribute to the group plan and coordinate the group effort besides being responsible to the group decision. If the future human capital can attain these skills, we can be rest assure that the future generation for university student will collaborate ideas and cooperate a taskforce towards the well-being of the nation. 2. Reason why some university student are not equipped with the soft skills According to the former Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed, the failure of graduates get jobs is because they do not have the soft skills required employer. He said that apart from poor command of English, is narrow-minded graduates, no leadership, a sense of belonging and no communication skills. In the dialogue between the Ministry of Higher Education and employers in the country, many say not employed university graduates because they have no soft skills (Bernama, 2007). as we see the dialog above, students nowadays less exposure to soft skills such as writing strategy, communication and critical thinking strategies, in addition, weak command of English is also included in the factor of lack of communication skills among university students. The next factor is, some students lack the confidence to speak in public, this is because, they afraid that they will mistakenly say, or embarrassed to talk and lack of preparation in an assignment or presentation. Other factors such as poor critical thinking can also be seen among university students, because students are not applying a concern or complacency of what the students’ own doing. Next, students are also less skilled organize, interpret data and information in some of the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this made the task is not complete and does not meet what is required by the lecturer. In this situation, we do not also have to blame the student, the university should also encourage students to apply soft skills in themselves. 3. Some efforts are made to develop students soft skills There are many ways of improving soft skills. One of them is through learning by doing. Besides the soft skills can be honed and improved by following the training and management seminars. Although, one powerful way to improve the soft skills by interacting and doing activities with others. Follow the organization is one way to interact with others. In order to develop the attributes of soft skills in university students, self-evaluation is required of every student of the power which is currently owned, as well as weaknesses. The students were given a questionnaire that contains the attributes of soft skills. Then fill it with a mark which had enough they have and which ones still need to be developed. Attributes that appear in the list of the most visible attributes so which ones have the highest mode to be developed. Then a course where a student are reviewing the vision of his study program, and seeks to combine the expectations of students, expectations and resources in the institution. Thus be selected several important attributes that need and developed for his students. Development of soft skills in university can also be done through the learning process and student activities in extra-curricular activities or co-curricular activities. Most importantly, this is not material soft skills rote but practiced by individuals who are learning or who want to develop it. By the time students want to develop interests and talents in the field of sports for example, often supervising sports activities always focus on the techniques of how to win the match to be performed by the students. Conscience must be developed to be able to govern themselves and to interact with others. FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS Model for implementing soft skills in higher education A holistic approach is used to plan and implement the soft skills among students of higher education. This approach is based on the combination of several programs and main activities formal teaching and learning activities (include all curricular and co-curricular elements), support programs (academic and non-academic focused) and the students campus life. In general, the development of soft skills among the students via the formal teaching and learning activities takes two models which is stand alone and embedded. Stand Alone Subject Model This model uses the approach of training and providing opportunities to students to develop soft skills through specific courses that are carefully planned for this purpose. Usually, these subjects are offered as university courses such as English language, entrepreneurship, and elective courses such as public speaking, critical thinking. The courses in this category are often a part of the overall requirements that make up the program. The number of courses and credits in this category depends on the curriculum design and the requirements of the program. The stand alone subject model can also be initiated by encouraging students to sign-up several additional courses which can be accumulated to be a minor course which is different from the initial program signed-up. For example, a student who is pursuing an engineering program is encouraged to take minor courses in management or mass communication. However, such an approach will require an increase in the number of credits and time spent for the particular program. Embedded Model This model uses the approach of embedding the soft skills in the teaching and learning activities across the curriculum. It does not require the student to take special courses as in the stand alone subject model. Instead the students are trained to master the soft skills through various formal teaching and learning activities that are planned and carried out using specific strategies and methods. In this way, the content and learning outcomes to be achieved for the respective courses are maintained. The learning outcomes related to the soft skills will be integrated and be part of the learning outcomes of the respective courses. This is the suggested model to be implemented in all the courses for the different programs in institutions of higher learning. Each element of soft skills is spelled out in the learning outcomes and then translated into the instructional plan for the semester. This is followed by implementing several teaching and learning activities such as questioning, class discussion, brain storming, team work, presentation, role play and simulation, project, field work and site visits. In general, the development of soft skills using the embedded model requires the expertise of the lecturers to use the various teaching strategies and methods that are entirely student-centered. It also involves active teaching and learning and students should participate actively in the activities. Some of the appropriate strategies and methods that are practical include learning by questioning, cooperative learning, problem-based learning (PBL), and e-learning. CONCLUSION To live to the challenge of globalization which is in line with the era of information economy, the strength of a nation is strongly dependent on the ability of its citizen to be highly intellectual and skillful. The development of human capital in university student is thus important and necessary since it drives the nation to the envision vision and mission. Without a quality human capital, a nation will be weak as there is no human factor that is capable to embark on new initiatives and perspectives. A quality human capital comes from a quality education process. A carefully designed and well planned education system is critical to developing such human capital. Thus, institution of higher learning plays a very important role to produce a human capital that is highly knowledgeable and skillful to meet the demand and expectations of many people. The teaching and learning processes in institutions of higher learning should be capable to provide such knowledge and skills to future graduates. We can see good results and positive when university students adopt or emphasize soft skills in themselves. (2511 Words) Reference Groupfenglish, (27 May 2011). The important of soft skills development in education. [Online]. Available: http://blogs. funiber. org/formacion-profesor/2011/05/27/the-importance-of-soft-skills-development-in-education/ Vishal jain, (22 February 2009). Important of soft skills development in education. [Online]. Available: http://schoolofeducators. com/2009/02/importance-of-soft-skills-development-in-education/342 TITLE: NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF SOFT SKILLS. Dr. A. Muthumanickam,. Reader,. Department of Education, Madurai Kamaraj University. http://dspace. unimap. edu. my/dspace/bitstream/123456789/5819/1/NEED%20AND%20IMPORTANCE%20OF%20SOFT%20SKILLS. pdf Chapter in a Book by More than Three Authors: S. 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